| Decentralization, Economy & Role of Women
Vatican Radio
February 13, 2015
[with audio]
Father Lombardi at briefing - RV
(Vatican Radio) The Director of the Holy See’s Press Office, Father Federico Lombardi, says the decentralization of the Curia, the role of women and the ongoing economic and administrative reforms were among the main topics discussed by the cardinals at the Consistory on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. Father Lombardi’s remarks came at a press briefing on the 2nd day of the cardinals’ discussions on reform of the Roman Curia.
Speaking to the journalists gathered at the Holy See’s Press Office, Father Lombardi said the discussions at the Extraordinary Consistory had proceeded in a “very calm and constructive” atmosphere and the last 24 hours had seen speeches by 40 cardinals on a broad range of topics. He confirmed that Pope Francis was present during the sessions but did not speak himself. Father Lombardi said one of the recurring themes during the discussions was the relationship between the roman Curia and the local Bishops Conferences and how to decentralize the Curia “in a spirit of subsidiarity.” In this context, he said speakers spoke of the need to decide which responsibilities should be handled by the Curia and which by the local Church but also of how the central role of the Curia is important in countries where the local churches are in “a situation of weakness.”
Turning to the role of lay people and women within the Vatican, Father Lombardi said a number of speakers expressed the hope of “an increasingly active role” for them, especially when it comes to the issue of women holding positions of leadership within the roman Curia.
Friday morning’s session was entirely given over to a wide-ranging discussion on the ongoing economic reforms being carried out by the newly-formed Secretariat for the Economy. Cardinal George Pell, the Secretariat’s head and three other speakers gave a presentation, supplemented by slides, on the current state of the Vatican’s finances. Father Lombardi said many of those present expressed appreciation for the new shape of the Holy See’s finances that is emerging thanks to these reforms. He said this reform process comes across as a fairly “convincing” one that is earning plaudits for its “transparency and competency.” Father Lombardi said Friday afternoon’s session was scheduled to include a presentation by U.S. Cardinal Patrick O’Malley reporting on the work of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors.
Following the briefing, Father Lombardi confirmed that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI will be among those attending this weekend’s Ordinary Consistory during which 20 prelates will be created cardinals.