| Chicago Bishop Accused of Intimidating Witness
By Lisa Black
Chicago Tribune
February 6, 2015
A high-ranking Greek Orthodox bishop in Chicago was warned by a prosecutor against "potential efforts to intimidate witnesses" in a case involving a priest accused of stealing more than $100,000 from a Milwaukee church.
The warning came after another priest in Milwaukee told authorities that Bishop Demetrios of Mokissos, the No. 2-ranking official in the Greek Orthodox faith in the Midwest, threatened in emails to remove him from his post if the church did not withdraw a theft complaint against the priest's predecessor.
"We have received some extremely distressing news regarding potential efforts to intimidate witnesses," a Milwaukee prosecutor wrote to an attorney for the Chicago church leadership last April, according to court documents. "... I believe that Bishop Demetrios needs to retain independent representation as quickly as practical."
The emails were exchanged between the bishop and the Rev. Angelo Artemas of Annunciation Church in Milwaukee as prosecutors there were investigating theft claims against a former Annunciation priest, the Rev. James Dokos.
The emails indicated the bishop sought a meeting with Annunciation leaders to talk about the case against Dokos, who has since been charged with improperly spending money from a trust fund intended to benefit the church.
Members of Annunciation had taken their concerns about the trust fund to Milwaukee authorities after officials with the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago determined in an internal investigation that Dokos did nothing wrong.