Canon Law Petition To Pope By Holocaust Survivors
February 05, 2015
VATICAN CITY – Today an unprecedented canon law petition was dispatched to the Vatican by Serbian Orthodox Christian, Jewish, and Roma Holocaust survivors and their families imploring Pope Francis to settle the long standing dispute about gold looted during the Second World War and deposited at the Vatican Bank. Under canon law, non-Catholics may petition the Pope.
The petition filed by Dr. Jonathan Levy on behalf of thousands of Holocaust survivors and their families is aimed not only at the Vatican Bank but the two watch dog organizations at the Vatican with authority over the scandal plagued bank. The petition coincides with new and serious allegations of financial misdeeds at the Vatican in the just released book Gods Bankers by Gerald Posner. The Vatican Financial Authority and the Vatican Secretariat for the Economy are accused of shirking their duties to investigate money laundering and in the case of the Vatican Financial Authority, misleading the European Commission which made inquiries on the Holocaust survivors behalf. The Vatican Financial Authority falsely claimed the Vatican Bank was not part of Vatican City therefore did not fall under European Union anti money laundering rules. Dr. Jonathan Levy, who represents several thousand Holocaust victims, their heirs, and organizations has long criticized the Vaticans handling of Holocaust related claims. According to Dr. Levy, Ever since the US government uncovered evidence of Holocaust loot deposited at the Vatican in 1998; the Vatican has been in cover up mode, alternately denying and claiming immunity, it is my hope that Pope Francis truly means what he says about a new era of transparency at the Vatican and sends that same message to his subordinates. The funds at stake were derived from the Ustasha Treasury, consisting of gold and valuables looted from Yugoslavia during the Second World War and deposited at the Vatican Bank in 1946 and never accounted for despite numerous requests since 1998.