Extending an Olive Branch?
By Jennifer Haselberger
Canonical Consultation
January 27, 2015
Throughout the day today several people have contacted me regarding the most recent bulletin of Saint Olaf's parish in Minneapolis, and in particular the pastor's column. If you have not read it, you can access the bulletin by clicking here.
Father Patrick Kennedy, the author, has a unique perspective on the situation in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. First, his parish shares a skyway with the law firm of Greene Espel, which was the firm originally selected to complete the investigation into the conduct of Archbishop Nienstedt (it appears that the Archdiocese subsequently removed Greene Espel from this assignment). Second, his father, Alois Daniel Kennedy, was a founding partner of the law firm of Meier, Kennedy, & Quinn, which until recently represented the Archdiocese in every lawsuit involving allegations of sexual abuse of minors by clergy. Finally, he is recently returned from a sojourn assignment in the Diocese of Tucson, a diocese that went through a very successful Chapter 11 process under the leadership of Bishop Gerald Kicanas.
I agree with much of what Father Kennedy says in his column, especially regarding the need to involve more of the presbyterate and laity in conversations about the future of the Archdiocese. However, I think he is missing some important information vis-à-vis his idea of rapprochement between the Archdiocese and myself. I will write a longer post on this tomorrow, but in the meantime I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for the olive branch he recommends.