| Two Victims Call for Papal Investigation into Sexual Abuse
By Mark Belcher
January 27, 2015
Two people who are now adults say they were abused as children are calling for a papal investigation into the handling of their case.
Tino Flores, Vanessa DeRosa are shown in this image at the ages they say they were abused at.
Vanessa DeRosa and Antonio Flores say they’re two New Yorkers who were motivated by Pope Francis’ call to action. Recently Pope Francis called for the church to make reparations to victims of sexual abuse.
Although the two victims have passed their respective statue of limitations, they say in a release through their lawyers, Hogan Willig, that they’re just looking for closure, and to help others.
DeRosa says she was abused as a middle school student in 2002. She was a student of St. Dominic Savio Middle School in Niagara Falls. She says a teacher exposed her to pornography and sexually abused her. The law office says that teacher has since admitted to his guilt in court.
Flores says he was abused when he was just 10-years-old, while living with his family in Buffalo. He said because his mom was a single mom, she asked the Catholic Church for help when she needed help with her sons. He said when a priest became closely involved, he began a five-year string of sexual abuse. Flores said the abuse went from once per week to once per day.
DeRosa and Flores came together in a Tuesday conference to say they stand against the sex abuse and are asking the church for helping them receive closure.