| Support for Royal Commission Probe into Hunter Clergy Abuse Suicides
ABC News
January 13, 2015
PHOTO: John Pirona was abused as a teenager by Father John Denham at Newcastle's St Pius Catholic high school, and at the age of 45 took his own life. (Supplied by NSW Police)
Almost three years after the suicide of a Newcastle man who was abused by a notorious paedophile priest, his former partner is relieved his and other suicides may be scrutinised by the Royal Commission into Child Abuse.
John Pirona was abused as a teenager by Father John Denham at Newcastle's St Pius Catholic high school, and at the age of 45 took his own life.
An independent group has now been formed to compile a list of around 30 Hunter region suicides believed to be linked to clergy abuse, to be forwarded to the Royal Commission.
Tracey Pirona said it is the least that could be done for her late husband, and for the many other local families who have lost loved ones.
"I don't think these people understand what they have done to the victims," she said.
"It's something they never get over and yes, the Royal Commission needs to look at the effect of this, not just to that victim, but the family that has to deal with it after these poor people just can't take anymore."
Ms Pirona said her husband's suicide is just one of many that deserve greater scrutiny.
"For John, we knew exactly why, he wrote in his last letters, there was just too much pain," she said.
"But, I think there's a lot of people who've taken their lives that nobody ever knows, what pushed them to that, so I think it's very important."
The Catholic bishop of the Maitland-Newcastle diocese Bill Wright says the questions being posed are important, and agrees they should be rigorously explored.
"We already know that people who were sexually assaulted as children can suffer serious adverse effects that last into adulthood, even their whole lives," he said.
"I sit with and listen to these truths all too frequently.
"I also sit and listen to people who have found ways of drawing strength from their personal history and are living lives of hope and meaning.
"As Bishop of Maitland-Newcastle I support an independent, rigorous, scientific research project into these issues.
"Any study that gives us new insights into the terrible issues of child sexual assault and its aftermath is worthwhile.
Bishop Wright says the diocese had already begun to discuss how to propose such a study to the Royal Commission and how the diocese could best support such a study.