Statement Regarding Rev. Michael Keating

By Anne Steffens
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
January 12, 2015

From Bishop Lee Piche, Auxiliary Bishop

"Rev. Michael Keating has been on a leave of absence from the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis since October 2013, which means he is not exercising any priestly ministry. His leave of absence came after he was named in a lawsuit regarding claims that he had sexually abused a minor before he was a priest. Father Keating will remain on leave until the archdiocesan Clergy Review Board can complete an internal review of this matter, which is still ongoing.

The assessment by the Clergy Review Board will be comprehensive and include a revisit of decisions made in the past, in light of any new information that is produced as a result of the civil lawsuit and the archdiocese’s prevailing commitment of placing victims first."








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