| The Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests Responds to the Letter of Excommunication to Georgia Walker Arcwp from Bishop Robert W. Finn
Bridget Mary's Blog
January 12, 2015
left to right Colleen Simon, Susie Roling, Georgia Walker,
Bridget Mary Meehan, Henry Stoever
Prayed the Eucharistic Prayer at Ordination Liturgy on Jan. 3, 2015
in Kansas City
In the letter below, Bishop Finn stated that
"As Bishop of Kansas City-Saint Joseph,
I hereby declare that Georgia K. Walker has incurred the
censure of excommunication latae sententiae reserved to the
Apostolic See, and is subject to the restrictions and
impediments indicated in canon 1331. "
Bishop Bridget Mary Meehan's Response from ARCWP:
The Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests are faithful
members of the baptized who serve our beloved church
in a renewed priestly ministry
that welcomes all to celebrate the sacraments in
Spirit-empowered communities
wherever we are called.
We are leading the Church, not leaving it,
in living Gospel equality now.
Our vision is to act as a community of equals
in decision-making
both as an organization and
within our faith communities.
The ordinations of Roman Catholic Women Priests are valid
because of our apostolic succession within the
Roman Catholic Church.
The principal consecrating Roman Catholic male bishop
who ordained our first women bishops is a
bishop with apostolic succession
within the Roman Catholic Church
in communion with the pope.
Therefore, our bishops validly
ordain deacons, priests and bishops.
all qualified candidates, including baptized ministers
and priests
from other Christian traditions, who are presented
to our bishops
for ordination are ordained by the
laying on of hands into
apostolic succession
in the Roman Catholic Church.
Bridget Mary Meehan, bishop serving
Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests
Contact: sofiabmm@aol.com