Mystery solved. Raymond Cardinal Burke will star in the “Our Gang” sequel, “Spanky Gets Older But Never Grows Up.” He does somewhat resemble Spanky McFarland, does he not?
The plotline would center completely on Spanky (a.k.a. Cardinal Burke) trying to resurrect his “He-man Woman Haters Club” through hosting Catholic Men’s Conferences around the world. I can see no other explanation for Burke spouting such unsubstantiated sexist psychobabble about raising “manly men” in his interview on the Misogynists-R-Us website, “The New E-man-gelization.” (By the way, if you’d like a veritable “Who’s Who” list of Catholic sexist and misogynist speakers, direct your eyes to the right nav list entitled, “Men’s Conference Speakers” on this site. I attended the Michigan Statewide Catholic Men’s Conference a few years ago and heard several of these guys speak and it was hour upon hour of non-stop Burke-esque sexisms, misogyny, and poor theology.)
Without reading the transcript, you can probably guess the sorts of things Burke says…women and gays are to blame for men leaving the church and clergy shortages…girls shouldn’t be altar servers because they lack the proper discipline and reverence…an undefined group of “radical feminists” scared men from getting married because women keep demanding rights and somehow this confused guys so they decided to be gay instead…manly men need to dress like men and then they'll want to be priests…children need their dads to be “real men” who are clear, firm and disciplined – evidently qualities he feels mothers incapable of demonstrating. There was a 100+ car pile-up in Michigan tonight and I think women might be responsible for that too.
Burke says it’s natural for males to eschew hanging out with females. He also advises priests to encourage developing manly men by being manly themselves and by giving special attention to other men. This should not in any way be confused with a same sex attraction on the part of the cleric, I guess. Eschewing women and giving men special attention is, according to Burke, the best way to be manly. Why do I suddenly find myself contemplating if Burke was a “Village People” fan?
If you know Burke’s clerical fashionista tendencies, you are probably still collecting yourself after reading his highly ironic statement that men need to dress like manly men. Burke’s outfits have a definitive effeminate air and likely have more silk, lace and bling per square inch than any other living ordained cleric or woman…anywhere…on this planet.
I don’t have the time or ambition to offer point by point corrections to his numerous factually unfounded statements. However, I do feel it important to highlight Burke’s apparent gross theological error. It is so significant that I question his fitness to act as an apostle.
Burke said that the church was “too feminine” and this scared away men. Excuse me Ray, but Catholic theology teaches that Holy Mother Church is in fact a real honest to goodness, actual factual female. Thus, there is no such thing as the church being “too feminine.”
If Ray wants to tamper with making the female church more manly, then perhaps he is also open to making the male clergy more feminine? You see, the church hierarchy defines the church’s anthropology as hinging on having real men as priests marry the real-deal female church. The hierarchy teaches this as foundational for establishing male/female only marriages – they must imitate and reflect this mystical union between the male clergy and female church.
If Ray thinks the female church needs to be more manly, it stands to reason that he thinks it’s ok that women serve in the male clergy role. Extra! Extra! Read all about it; Cardinal Burke makes theological case for ordaining women! Thanks, Ray.
Anyway, when I read Burke’s "manly men" statements, I find myself humming country tunes about pick-up trucks, dogs, tight jeans and misfortune. So, let’s just say maybe that’s what inspired me to compose this short pray – as a little “thank you” to Ray for indirectly creating a slam-dunk theological case for women’s ordination.