| How Melbourne Celebrated Jesus" Birthday
By Aisha Dow
The Age
December 25, 2014
Fur the love of God: All creatures were welcome at the Christmas Day service at the St James the Great church in St Kilda. Photo: Eddie Jim
Dressed in their Sunday best, families across Victoria flocked to church services on Christmas morning. But not everyone was content to celebrate Jesus' birth the traditional way.
In Sunshine North hundreds gathered at a huge concrete warehouse – Enjoy Church's western campus – where the "doof doof" of the band could be heard even in the car park.
Inside, three massive video screens live-streamed the service, which featured a string of uplifting Christian rock-pop hymns.
Instead of shaking hands, worshippers were instructed to give high fives to those around them, while young people danced in the mosh pit in front of the stage.
In recent years the youth-focused church has expanded while others have shrunk, growing its followers from 60 in 1998 to its current congregation of 5500 and adding seven "campuses" around Victoria.
Its pastors all have Twitter accounts, God is often described as "awesome" and worshippers are encouraged to sing along to the music.
"We believe church should be enjoyed not endured," Pastor Louise Arioka said.
But on Thursday morning the unconventional churches were not the only ones doing things differently. Every year an Anglican church in East St Kilda opens its doors to Melbourne's animals and their devoted human companions.
This year a dozen dogs sat in their owners' laps or in the aisle of St James the Great church, where they yawned, scratched an occasional itch and sniffed each other's bottoms.
Jennifer Craven attends the service annually with her poodle shih tzu-cross named Xena and said the dogs were normally very well behaved.
"One year there was a big dog in the corner who started barking really loudly during the singing. That was really funny," she said.
Father Roger Kelly said Christmas was an ideal day to have animals in church as it was a reminder of the birth of Christ, who was born in a manger surrounded by animals. "And pretty smelly ones at that."
This year the leaders of the Anglican and Catholic churches in Melbourne delivered their Christmas message with an online video. They both reflected on the string of tragic events that have shaken Australia late in the year.
Melbourne Catholic Archbishop Denis Hart said sometimes people wonder why bad things happen to good people. He also made a reference the ongoing Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse.
"During these days of the Royal Commission we pray especially for the innocent victims of sexual abuse in the church and acknowledge the courage of those victims who have come forward to speak of their abuse," he said.
On Christmas Day 8000 people attended Anglican services in Melbourne's CBD, including two in Mandarin Chinese.
Melbourne Archbishop Philip Freier told worshippers that the message of Christmas was as meaningful now as it ever was and "gives hope in uncertain times".
"If we use the gifts [God] gives us and commit ourselves to peace we can change the world, one at a time, beginning with you and me."