| Pope Francis Explains the “15 Diseases” Members of the Curia May Face
Rome Reports
December 23, 2014
[with video]
Being a member of the Roman Curia is more dangerous than it looks. During his Christmas address to its members, Pope Francis asked this selected group cardinals to keep an eye on 15 diseases.
"A Curia that isn't self-critical, that doesn't want to update and doesn't want to improve, is like a sick body.”
He went on to explain that all the different temptations have the same root, to distance oneself from God. He also referred to what he called "careerism,” that is, the wish to receive more and more titles that only feed vanity.
"It is the sickness of those people who live a double life. People who want to multiply their power at all costs, even if they have to slander, defame and discredit the other, even in newspapers and magazines.”
The Pope read his address in a very peaceful and quiet way. Still, he also made very strong remarks when he talked about the danger of gossiping.
"It's the sickness of mediocre people, who are not brave enough to talk face to face, but criticize the others on their back.”
Among other problems, the Pope mentioned feeling that one is irreplaceable, bad coordination, idolizing the superiors and being indifferent towards the others. He also said "closed circles” break the unity of the Church.
The Pope encouraged them examine their behavior and ask God for forgiveness now that Christmas is getting closer. He concluded his address reminding them how harmful the priests who create scandals are for the Church.