Milwaukee Archdiocese Reaches $2.3m Settlement with Insurers; Half Proposed for Abuse Victims
By Rich Kirchen
Milwaukee Business Journal
December 19, 2014
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee has reached a $2.3 million settlement with insurers in the archdiocese bankruptcy case, and half of that amount would go to a proposed settlement of allegations of clergy sexual abuse.
The latest settlement would bring to $5.15 million the total amount available to people who have sought compensation. The new settlement figure was included in a motion filed Wednesday and is subject to approval by U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Susan Kelley in Milwaukee.
"Our relentless pursuit of insurance carriers has brought $10 million into the (reorganization) plan," archdiocese spokesman Jerry Topczewski told the Milwaukee Business Journal Friday.
Lloyd's of London previously agreed to pay $8 million to the archdiocese with $4 million of that planned as payments to clergy abuse victims and $4 million to pay the administrative costs of the case. The new development involves a settlement with OneBeacon Insurance Co. and Stonewall Insurance Co.