| Worcester-area Filmmakers Respond to Sony Decision Nixing Screening of "the Interview"
By Samantha Allen
Telegram & Gazette
December 19, 2014
A banner for "The Interview" is posted outside Arclight Cinemas. Sony Pictures pulled the Christmas Day release of the film due to terrorist threats. (THE ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Hours after President Barack Obama said Sony Pictures "made a mistake" by shelving "Interview," Worcester-area filmmakers and movie lovers weighed in on the company's decision to abandon releasing the film.
Andrea Ajemian, a filmmaker who has set several of her films in Worcester County and who is a Worcester native, said the decision by Sony to pull the film was "mind-blowing."
Mr. Obama said he wished Sony representatives had spoken with him before making the decision amid threats of violence by North Korean hackers to movie theaters showing the comedy. The FBI confirmed they have evidence to believe a recent cyberattack on Sony came directly from the communist regime.
Ms. Ajemian noted that she could understand the corporation's decision since major movie theater chains refused to show the movie. The Department of Homeland Security has since deemed the threats of violence to not be credible.
"I'm appalled by the situation and think it's disgraceful it won't be in theaters because it's against everything we stand for," Ms. Ajemian said. "However, I empathize with Sony in that they're probably being advised by their lawyers (about this). This is a legal nightmare."
According to the Associated Press, Sony executives stated they canceled the Christmas Day release of the comedy starring Seth Rogen and James Franco only after major theaters decided not to show it because they were receiving threats.
The recent hacking attack against Sony also led to the release of thousands of executive emails, salary figures and social security numbers of present and former company employees. North Korean officials have denied their involvement, though they publicly praised the hack as a "righteous deed."
This week, Paramount Pictures additionally pulled the 10th anniversary showing of the film "Team America: World Police," a 2004 puppet comedy which parodies former North Korea leader Kim Jong Il. The showing of the film was planned as a substitute for "The Interview" for some theaters.
A taunting email, the Associated Press reports, was sent by hackers to Sony stating the company's choice to halt "'The Interview' was "wise." The email also warned there would be no further disclosures of Sony's confidential materials "as long as you make no trouble." The email insists "The Interview" — which depicts a fictional assassination plot against North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un — should not be shown in "any form."
Worcester-based filmmaker George "Skip" Shea, along with Ms. Ajemeian, said he would like to see "The Interview" released online.
"In a lot of ways, Sony's hands were tied because it appears the cinemas refused to show it and if they're pulling distributions, then (the film's producers) don't have much leverage," he said.
Mr. Shea noted that as a survivor of sexual abuse allegedly by priests, he has aired films with subject matter critical of the Roman Catholic Church. He's now in production with his current film that also touches on the topic, titled "Trinity," and says Sony's call now sets a dangerous precedent.
"It's very sad to me that regardless of the merit of the art (of 'The Interview') this has happened," he said. "How often are we going to cave to this stuff?"
Jim Perry, owner of the single-screen movie theater Elm Draught House Cinemas in Millbury, said if he had the opportunity to show "The Interview" he "probably" wouldn't.
"I try to present a film my patrons would enjoy. 'The Interview' — I don't know yet. For the hype of it, maybe," he said. "(But), I don't need that. … There's a lot of decent films out there."
Other Worcester County movie theaters did not return calls for comment and representatives for Showcase Cinemas and Regal Entertainment Group, with venues in Worcester, Millbury and Marlboro, could not be reached.
Clark University Associate Professor Hugh S. Manon, director of the screen studies program, said at first he considered the pulling of the Sony film to be a publicity stunt. He said he has since changed his mind but noted the financial loss to Sony may not be so severe now given the interest it has generated.
"If and when this gets released for streaming or on Blue-Ray, certainly, there will be a higher demand for it than it would have been," Mr. Manon said. "Hollywood is an industry like any other. … Their motive is profit. It's certainly less ideological than it is profit-driven because of that. … You can be certain (Sony) made this decision with its bottom line in mind."
Steven Isaacson, 19, a Clark University student, said he believes North Korea's response to "The Interview" should come as no surprise to the public as a social media firestorm percolated across the Web Friday.
"I mean, how do you think the U.S. would react if a Chinese film was made featuring the assassination of President Obama?" Mr. Isaacson posed.
Joey Teevens, 25, from Westboro, sounded his concern for what fallout could come from Sony's call.
"Sony caved pretty quickly," Mr. Teevens tweeted. "Big victory for (North Korean) hackers. (This) gives strong incentive for copycats to emulate."