Hearing for Hobart abuse cases to resume
Sky News
December 18, 2014
Allegations of child sexual abuse against a former Hobart school teacher, previously thought to be dead, will not be considered by a royal commission.
Ronald Thomas, 77, was accused at a commission hearing in November of abusing boys while a teacher at exclusive Hobart school Hutchins in the 1960s.
At the time the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse was told Thomas had left Australia and later died.
However, in early December it was reported he was alive and living in New Zealand.
On Thursday the Hutchins hearing resumed and counsel assisting, Angus Stewart SC, said Tasmanian police intend investigating the allegations against Thomas.
"In order to avoid any risk of prejudicing that investigation this public hearing will not inquire any further into the allegations against Mr Thomas and moreover commissioners will not be asked to make any finding in relation to any allegations against Mr Thomas."
The commission is investigating how Hutchins and the Anglican Diocese of Tasmania managed reports of sexual abuse at the school.