30 sex-abuser priests named
By Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola
Gallup Independent
December 16, 2014
GALLUP — Bishop James S. Wall released an updated list of abusers and published it on the Diocese of Gallup’s website Monday.
The list includes the names of 30 Catholic priests, both diocesan and religious order, and one lay religious education teacher. Thirteen of the men have never been publicly identified before. However, the list does not include the names of some Gallup clergy who have been named in clergy abuse lawsuits or named by confidential claimants in the Gallup Diocese’s bankruptcy case.
“The publication of these additional names does not mean that our vigilance and continued investigation ends here,” Wall said in a statement released along with the list. “The investigations remain ongoing. The survivors who have come forward should be commended for their bravery and courage, and I express my deepest apologies for the actions of those who violated the trust of the survivors and the parishioners within the Diocese by committing these terrible acts.”
The following 31 men are included on the diocese’s newly released list: ■ Rev. William Allison: Previously named by diocese ■ Rev. Michael Aten: Previously named by diocese ■ Rev. Michael Baca, O.F.M: Never publicly named before ■ Rev. George Baz: Never publicly named before ■ Rev. John Boland: Previously named by diocese ■ Rev. James Burns: Previously named by diocese ■ Brett Candelaria: Lay CCD teacher, never publicly named before ■ Rev. Santino Casimano: Previously named in clergy abuse lawsuits ■ Rev. Charles Cichanowicz, O.F.M: Previously named in clergy abuse lawsuits ■ Rev. David Clark, C.M.F: Previously named in clergy abuse lawsuits ■ Rev. Timothy Conlon, O.S.C: Previously named by his religious order ■ Rev. Joseph Coutu: Never publicly named before ■ Rev. John Degnan: Never publicly named before ■ Rev. Clement Hageman: Previously named by diocese ■ Rev. Julian Hartig, O.F.M: Previously named by diocese ■ Rev. Robert J. Kirsch: Previously named in clergy abuse lawsuit ■ Rev. Bruce MacArthur: Previously named in multiple national cases ■ Rev. Douglas McNeill: Previously named in clergy abuse lawsuit ■ Rev. Rene Messier: Never publicly named before ■ Rev. Lucien Meurnier: Never publicly named before ■ Rev. Francis “Frank” Murphy: Previously named by diocese ■ Rev. John Newton, C.P.P.S: Never publicly named before ■ Rev. Jose Rodriguez: Previously named by diocese ■ Rev. William Roper, C.M.F: Never publicly named before ■ Rev. Conran Runnebaum, O.F.M: Never publicly named before ■ Rev. Raul Sanchez: Previously named in clergy abuse lawsuit ■ Rev. Lawrence Schreiber, O.F.M: Never publicly named before ■ Rev. John Sullivan: Previously named in multiple national cases ■ Rev. Carl Todaro: Never publicly named before ■ Rev. David Enrique Viramontes: Never publicly named before ■ Rev. Samuel Wilson: Previously named in clergy abuse lawsuit The Gallup bishop concluded his statement by encouraging anyone else “harmed by the sexual misconduct of an employee or clergy” to contact law enforcement or the diocese’s victim assistance coordinator.
Contact: religion@gallupindependent.com