| Truth, Justice and Healing Council's Challenge of Celibacy Falls on Deaf Ears
By Kristina Keneally
Brisbane Times
December 15, 2014
Head of the Catholic Church's Truth, Justice and Healing Council Francis Sullivan (left) and an abuse survivor Trish Charter (right). Photo: Kate Geraghty
Last Friday the Australian Catholic Church's Truth, Justice and Healing Council released a ground-breaking report on child sexual abuse. That morning, ABC's Samantha Donovan interviewed the council's chief executive Francis Sullivan and asked him if he had received any response yet from the Vatican.
Sullivan laughed and said, "No, not at all."
"You're laughing there?" said Donovan.
Sullivan replied, "Well, I think they're all asleep at the moment ... [awkward pause] ... with it happening overnight."
I know what Sullivan meant, but it is hard not to think that when it comes to child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, many in the Vatican are still asleep.
The Truth, Justice and Healing Council's report publicly named two aspects of church practice as possible contributors to the sexual abuse of children by priests: obligatory celibacy and clericalism (that is, that only ordained men exercise power in the Church). Most Australians, Catholic or not, likely responded with the equivalent of "well, duh …. yeah".
Though the council's observations may seem obvious, the Catholic Church has firmly refused to acknowledge that enforced celibacy can create serious "psychosexual development" issues in some priests. Combine that with the privileged position of unchallenged power that priests and bishops hold in the Catholic Church, and it isn't hard to see how the sexual abuse of children by clergy is a tragic consequence.
Indeed, this is the first church report - certainly in Australia, possibly in the world - to call for reconsideration of obligatory celibacy as a way to prevent abuse. A 2011 report prepared for the United States' Catholic bishops flatly denied a celibate priesthood made any contribution to child sexual abuse.
Disappointingly, it only took 24 hours for the new Archbishop of Sydney, Anthony Fisher, to do the same. The sexual abuse of children in the Catholic Church can't be about celibacy, Fisher said, because sexual abuse happens in families and in other organisations where people aren't celibate.
I can't decide whether to scream or cry when I hear a bishop or cardinal deny that the Catholic Church has a particular and serious problem with child sexual abuse by pointing out that such abuse happens outside the church as well.
Please, Catholic cardinals and bishops, let's just stop making those claims and try to get our own house in order. Let's remove the plank from our own eye first. The church is meant to represent the Kingdom of God on earth, the Body of Christ. "Let the little ones come to me," Jesus said. "To enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you must become like a little child." We are - well really, you are, since most of us have no ability to exercise leadership or power in the church - supposed to have a higher standard when it comes to caring for children.
As Sullivan said, the church cannot bury its head on the issue of obligatory celibacy: "To put it very plainly, when you have a national inquiry into the sex crimes within the Catholic Church then issues of sexuality and psychosexual development clearly need to be examined."
Reading the Truth, Justice and Healing Council's report last week, I experienced an odd reaction - for once, I felt proud of the Australian Catholic Church and the way it was responding to the child sexual abuse crisis. Humility, shame, compassion, and unflinching honesty about the tragedy of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church are the hallmarks of the work coming out of the council.
Page after page, the council openly acknowledges the thousands of victims, the church's failure to act in the best interest of children, the willingness of the church to protect perpetrators, and the lack of compassion and support for victims who brought forth claims. Its report makes strong and detailed recommendations on how the church should change its legal, administrative, financial and pastoral responses to victims. The council has also been unafraid to hold a mirror up to the church so the hierarchy and all of the church's members can reflect on what needs to happen to prevent abuse in future.
The council frankly states that, for too long, church leaders acted to protect the institution rather than the victims of sexual abuse. The refusal of Fisher and others to discuss obligatory celibacy smacks of the same inclination - valuing the institutional rules that maintain the status quo, rather than consider changes that might improve the safety and well-being of children.
The council's report represents a landmark moment, but it is not speaking in a lone voice. Former Bishops Bill Morris, Pat Power and Geoffrey Robinson argue that priestly celibacy should be optional. Even Cardinal George Pell, a year before the council's report, noted that there could be a link between celibacy and child sexual abuse. It's time current church leaders in Australia and in the Vatican wake up to these calls.