| SYRACUSE Bishop Considers Outing Priests with Credible Sexual Abuse Accusations against Them
By John O'Brien
December 12, 2014
Bishop.jpg Bishop Robert Cunningham, presiding over Mass at Holy Trinity Church in Syracuse in 2010, might change the Syracuse Diocese's policy and publish the names of priests against whom accusations of child sexual abuse have been found credible. (Stephen D. Cannerelli | scannerelli@syracuse.com)
The Catholic Diocese of Syracuse has found credible evidence that as many as nine of its priests sexually abused children, but has not made their names public.
Bishop Robert Cunningham might change that. He's considering publishing the names of every priest against whom the church has found credible allegations of child sexual abuse.
Cunningham said he's been thinking about a request from Kevin Braney, a Colorado man who says Monsignor Charles Eckermann raped him as a child at a Manlius church 25 years ago.
Eckermann would be on the list. The diocese and the Vatican found Braney's accusations credible.
Braney asked Cunningham to consider following the lead of the Rochester diocese, which publishes the names of the accused priests.
Rochester is one 27 dioceses out of the 194 in the U.S. that publishes the names, according to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
In Syracuse, that would mean disclosing for the first time the names of less than 10 priests, Cunningham said. He did not have a more precise number.
All of those priests have had the same restrictions placed on them as Eckermann did: They're not allowed to function as a priest, wear clerical garb or present themselves as priests.
"We're taking a hard look at those policies," Cunningham said in an interview with Syracuse.com. "There are some victims who would prefer us not to say anything. There are other people today who want the names out."
Some victims have told the diocese they did not want their attacker's name publicized, that they wanted their cases to remain private, Cunningham said.
Braney said it would be an important step.
"It's a double violation of trust when the church knows something then elects not to share it," he said. "That's really powerful. It just doesn't make sense."
Braney said he's glad to hear the bishop's still mulling over his request.
"Bishop Cunningham must find the courage to confront his brutal reality, past and present, and release all information in his possession regarding the abuses perpetuated by members of his flock," Braney said.
Cunningham said he's been reflecting on the idea and talking with his advisers and others about it.
"I'm aware of the desire for the church to be transparent," he said. "But it's a difficult decision for me to make, and I have to be at peace with the decision."
Braney made the request when he met with Cunningham in June. The bishop apologized to him for Eckermann's conduct in 1988 and 1989. Braney said Eckermann raped him at least 12 times when Braney was an altar boy at St. Ann's Church in Manlius.
The Syracuse diocese investigated the accusations and found them to be credible last year. The church removed Eckermann from the ministry and the Vatican upheld the findings in October.