| Top Prosecutor off to Europe in Catholic Prelates’ Pedophilia Cases
Dominican Today
November 28, 2014
Wojciech Waldemar Gil (Padre Alberto), Jozef Wesolowski.
Justice minister Francisco Dominguez on Thursday flew to Warsaw and then to the Vatican to gather evidence in the pedophilia cases against the Pope’s former envoy Jozef Wesolowski and Catholic priest Wojciech Waldemar Gil (Padre Alberto) in the Dominican Republic.
In a statement the official said he plans to reaffirm the charges against the Polish prelates in his country.
Dominguez is slated to meet separately with Polish Attorney General Andrzy Seremet, as well as the prosecutor fpr the case against Gil, Malgorzata Adamjtys.
He will also meet with prosecutors Radolsaw Domalerowski and Marta Chmielewska, who represent two Dominican minors allegedly victims abused by Gil.
The priest, who also faces charges in Poland , is accuse of sexually abusing at least seven boys in the highland village of Juncalito near Janico, Santiago province (north).
Dominguez will then travel to Vatican City where he has meetings planned relating to the case against Wesolowski.