Stupid Catholic Nuns in Missouri defend Bishop Finn the protector of pedophile priest Ratigan now rotting in federal prison without parole
By Paris Arrow
November 27, 2014
Last April, when Pope John Paul II was speedily canonized by Pope Francis (which was part of his Opus Dei Beast’s puppet contract), photos of nuns --who waved their flags and danced while holding banners of huge photos of the new pope saints – and who braved the rainy weather and even camped outside at St. Peter’s Square were shown all over the media. Believe it or not – Our Lord Jesus Christ and St. Michael the Archangel inspired us to write about these as “STUPID NUNS because they empower the Vatican only-male misogynists gays oligarchy that control the Vatican Mammon Beast”. But we refused to obey that small voice because those nuns are “holy” and “sacred” set apart “consecrated” women. But lo and behold, a few days later, news erupted about the Irish Tuam nuns who dumped hundreds or thousands of sick babies in septic tanks and in unmarked graves which is now under investigation. They also sold thousands of healthy babies of unwed mothers (whom they considered impure unholy sinners) to wealthy American couples – one of those women was shown in the movie Philomena. Read our related article, Stupid Roman Catholic Nuns buried 800 babies in a septic tank in Ireland! Set Jesus free from tabernacles, popes & priests Eucharist sorcery