| Spanish Synod Apologize for Sexual Abuse
Prensa Latina
November 21, 2014
Madrid, Nov 21 (Prensa Latina) The Spanish Synod apologized today to victims of sexual abuse perpetrated by priests of the Granada Diocese, which led to the intervention of Pope Francis and a criminal investigation.
Jose Maria Gil, secretary general of the Spanish Synod, said in a press conference that they must apologize and also that bishops knew of the case from the media and not from the Archbishop of Granada Francisco Javier Martinez.
The media, the website Religion Digital among various, reported the event and also two phone calls from the Pope to one of the victims.
However, Gil said that the Archbishop indicated that the procedure has been followed and expressed his sympathy for the victims.
The spokesperson said that the cases, both judicial and canonical, are under seal and also that they are confident of justice.
In a complaint firstly addressed to the Archbishop of Granada and then the Pope and the Spanish court, a 24 year old man identified a network of at least four people, but the investigation has targeted 12 people, including 10 priests and two laymen.