Cardinal O’malley in CBS 60 Minutes Launches Propaganda for Pope Francis to Ensnare Idiots Catholics to Donate Millions to Vatican Mammon Beast

By Paris Arrow
Pope Francis The Con-christ.
November 19, 2014

“If” is the most powerful word of con-men, lay or religious con-men.

Con-artists always use the word “if” with the promise of a fairy tale ending in tomorrow (which never comes). Cardinal Sean O’Malley spoke with a classic Vatican poker face and as a Franciscan con-artist using the big conniving word “IF” in CBS 60 Minutes – when he declared his new famous Catholic religious fairy tale, “If I started a church, I'd love to have women priests” – thereby deceiving idiots Americans particularly stupid Catholic women. O’Malley’s con line sounds similar to that of a married man telling his mistress, “If I started as a single guy and if I wasn’t married, I’d love to marry you”. Notice the nonchalant use of the word “love” by both con-artists – one is a religious cardinal and the other a layman. Many of that ‘other woman’ actually wait for their dream wedding, even waiting for a lifetime, but their con-artist lover – the two-timing husband never went through the hustle of the legal process of divorce and hence never married his stupid mistress. Yet there’s a better chance – and it has happened before – that a philandering lay man will keep his word of “love” and leave his wife to legally marry his mistress – than for the religious duplicitous ‘prince of the church’ Cardinal O’Malley to leave the Catholic Church (made of a powerful hierarchy of all-male gays misogynists oligarchy) and legally start a new church with women priests – whom (as he professed on television before the world to see with his Vatican poker face) he’d “love to have”. It’s mindboggling how idiots Americans Catholics are buying Cardinal O’Malley’s CBS con-artist’s lines of fairy tales and Vatican Pied Pipers are all over the media praising him and brainwashing idiots Catholics (see news compilation below). Perhaps, to fulfill his con words in his lifetime, Cardinal O’Malley can save himself some logistics and speed up matters in his old age by joining his relative Christian church, the Anglicans, who already have women priests – whom he’d “love to have”.

Within a few hours after CBS 60 Minutes’ Vatican propaganda, inside the Vatican (fake country), Pope Francis also did his own Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day with a parallel con-artist line – (which he proclaimed at a colloquium organized by the CDF Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith) – “I wish to confirm, according to the wishes of the Lord, that in September of 2015 I will go to Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families.” (What he meant was, “I wish to confirm the Vatican CBS American propaganda about me”. It’s ridiculous how Jesus Christ is used as a pawn and pretext for all Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils in all countries repeatedly especially in the Vatican fake country). “According to the wishes of the Lord” – is a papal pathological lie – because the fact of the matter is, Pope Francis is a puppet of the Opus Dei Beast and therefore all his actions and words are – just like John Paul II was an OD marionette for his entire 27 years papacy – according to the wishes of the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team. Read our related article,


Crux, the Opus Dei Beast PR tentacle in Boston, actually used that particular O’Malley con artist statement as its headline “If I started a church, I'd love to have women priests”. The Catholic fairy tale of the Eucharist sorcery is of course the quintessence of Satan’s fairy tale because it makes popes and priests “greater than God” to be able to re-create Christ’s flesh and blood via the impotent mouths of popes and priests who have no wombs to produce babies and their mouths cannot produce Christ’s flesh either. Lucifer refused to bow down before God’s throne in Heaven so he was cast down on Earth where he invented the Eucharist wherein his men can actually reproduce God at the command of their mortal words! This is what makes the Eucharist the highest form of Satanic Mass ... and especially because it empowers the Vatican fake country to oppress hundreds of poor nations and breed wars and violence on hundreds of millions of women (which a regular Satanic Mass would do on the spot by doing violence on a single person).

The interview of Cardinal O’Malley in CBS 60 Minutes was held at the “ecological power” location of St. Peter’s Square. Read our related article, 8 POWERS the VATICAN uses to CONTROL CATHOLICS and COUNTRIES: ECOLOGICAL TRADITIONAL, CHARISMATIC, COERCIVE, SOCIAL, LEGAL, REMUNERATIVE, EXPERT,


Idiots Americans’ punishment for worshipping the Evil Vatican Mammon Beast


Cardinal O’Malley of Boston is indeed the “American face of the papacy” - as Vatican Pied Piper Boston Herald headlined it - because he is an American perfect clone of Pope Francis the CON-Christ, the pretender and impostor of Jesus who cannot clone cats and dogs and therefore cannot clone Christ’s flesh-and-blood either. Read our related article, 10 reasons to abolish the papacy because it is run by Lucifer and not the Holy Spirit


Read our related article, Rebuttal to John Allen: ‘What the Pope could do to defend religious freedom’. FYI, there’s plenty of religious freedom in New York that’s closing churches


Opus Dei Beast propaganda – using women to brainwash women

Notice the Opus Dei Beast tentacles strategies and PR scripts. Cardinal O’Malley in CBS 60 Minutes was interviewed by a woman, Norah O’Donnell who posed questions prepared by the Octopus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team – headed by an American – who’s now using all his Vatican Pied Pipers and media outlets across the US – to brainwash American idiots Catholics for Pope Francis US visit so they can allot their bank accounts and plane tickets and tour groups to Philadelphia and cities to attend Pope Francis Eucharist Mass (sorcery) and donate millions of dollars to the Vatican Mammon Beast (aka Opus Dei Beast). (Boston Globe’s) Crux led the Vatican Pied Pipers deceptions with the title “Cardinal O’Malley: If I started a church, I’d love to have women priests” – written by a woman Vatican Pied Piper, Teresa M. Hanafin, to inveigle women – the bulwark of idiots Catholic worshippers – by writing what stupid women and stupid Catholic nuns like to hear – women priests. Vatican Pied Pipers are all con-artists who write a lot of empty talks and fairy tale hypotheses to make readers “feel-good” while they read their VA Vatican Autocracy deceptions. But hey, idiots Catholics are already brain-numbed by the Eucharist sorcery which perpetuate them to be Opus Dei Beast robots who simply “pray, pay, obey” Vatican mercenaries - like Cardinal O’Malley!

Read our related article, Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth









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