Tanzania: Ex-Priest Sixtus Kimaro Dies
November 17, 2014
FORMER Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Dar es Salaam Sixtus Kimaro who was in July 2006 sentenced to 35 years in jail for sodomy and molestation has died.
Kimaro's relative who preferred anonymity told 'Sunday News' in the city on Saturday that the former priest died in Mozambique where he was reported conducting private business.
His body was brought to Dar es Salaam on Saturday and was preserved at Lugalo hospital where relatives and friends are today expected to pay final respects, before it is transported to Rombo district in Kilimanjaro region for burial at Mengwe Division on Monday.
The Secretary of the Archbishop of Dar es Salaam, Father Dennis Wigila, said in Dar es Salaam on Saturday that he was aware that Kimaro had died, and since he was no longer a priest in the diocese, his relatives were taking charge of the funeral arrangements.
"The diocese has nothing to do with burial plans. He was no longer one of us. He is a lay person. His relatives should know all the plans concerning the burial arrangements" Father Wigila said.
After Kimaro was sentenced to 35 years imprisonment, he appealed, and the High Court freed him on March 18, 2008, saying that the petitioners had failed to prove beyond doubt that the minor had truly been sodomized by Kimaro.
But in July this year, the Republic filed an appeal at the Court of Appeal against the ruling that had set Kimaro free. Three judges, namely Engela Kileo, Steven Bwana and Sauda Mjasiri ordered Kimaro and his lawyers to appear in court and until last week they had not done so.
In the first ruling, Kimaro was also ordered by Kisutu Resident Magistrate's court in Dar es Salaam to pay 2m/- in compensation to the 17-year youth he was found guilty of sodomizing.
In passing the sentence, Principal Resident Magistrate Pellagia Khaday had noted that the long jail sentence was intended to be a deterrent to potential offenders.
In her judgment, Khaday said the prosecution had proved in court beyond doubt that the youth (name withheld) was indeed sodomized.
The magistrate said it had been proved that Kimaro had unnatural sexual intercourse with the youth, who is still considered a minor in law and, therefore, incapable of informed consent.
She said that the priest indecently assaulted the youth and dehumanised him. "In view of the strong and compelling evidence tendered, I have no doubt whatsoever in my mind that the prosecution has proved its case beyond any reasonable shadow of doubt. I therefore convict you," the magistrate said.