Priest convicted in Ipswich child rapes
Wicked Local Ipswich
November 12, 2014
A Lawrence Superior Court jury convicted Rev. Richard McCormick, 73, on five counts of child rape today, Wednesday, Nov. 12, following a four-day trial in connection with molestation that took place at an Ipswich Catholic religious retreat 33 years ago.
Judge Mary Lou Rup will sentence McCormick on Dec. 18 at 2 p.m. He was taken into custody after the verdict was returned.
Essex Assistant District Attorney Kate MacDougall introduced evidence that proved McCormick raped a boy on multiple occasions between 1981 and 1982. The rapes occurred while the boy attended a summer camp at the Salesian Brothers’ Sacred Heart retreat center in Ipswich where McCormick worked. The victim, who is now 44, was between 10 and 12 years old when the rapes took place.
The retreat was located off County Road, where New England Bio Labs is now, across from Appleton Farms.
“Rape of a child is a heinous crime,” District Attorney Blodgett said. “It is a fundamental violation of a child’s innocence that can never be truly restored. My hope is that these guilty verdicts allow this brave man to find some peace of mind, knowing that none of this was his fault.”
MacDougall thanked Essex victim advocate Amy Snow and Ipswich police detective Peter Dziadose for their work on the investigation and the trial. She also acknowledged the courage of the victim for his bravery in coming forward and seeking justice.
McCormick is charged with another count of child rape in connection with allegations made by another male victim who attended the same summer camp during the same period.
The trial date for this case has not been scheduled.