| Bishop Charles Scicluna Deplores Monetary Offers to Abuse Victims by Members of the Church
Malta Independent
November 10, 2014
Bishop Charles Scicluna yesterday told The Malta Independent that he deplores all offers of monetary compensation to alleged victims of sexual abuse by members of the church.
Yesterday, the Sunday Times reported that Dominican priest Mark Montebello served as a go-between to offer a "six-figure sum" to the alleged victim of sex abuse by fellow Dominican priest Charles Fenech. Fr Montebello reportedly passed on the offer during a telephone conversation with Edgar Bonnici Cachia, who is assisting the female victim.
Last week, The Malta Independent made attempts to contact the Dominican Provicen's Fr Frans Micallef for clarifications regarding Fr Montebello's involvement in this case but to no avail. The Malta Independent also requested an interview with Fr Micallef regarding Fr Fenech's case, which the former refused.
In October, The Malta Independent broke the story that the offer had been made by a member of the Dominican Order.
Recounting the conversation, Mr Bonnici Cachia said Fr Montebello offered the six-figure sum in exchange for the victim's silence.
Mr Bonnici Cachia reportedly rebutted that neither he nor the victim are for sale.
Fr Montebello confirmed that the conversation did take place, but he was passing on a message "on behalf of a married person" who he declined to name.
The case regarding sexual abuse on vulnerable women by the Dominican priest has been before the Curia Response Team for at least eight years.
The case before the church tribunal is separate to the court case instituted by the police against Fr Fenech.
Fr Fenech was immediately stopped from administering his duties as a priest when the sex abuse allegations came to light.
Fr Fenech has also been removed from the post of director of the Kerygma Movement.
The Dominican Province had warned Father Fenech several times in the past and took several steps against him. There were several times when accusations were levelled against him and later withdrawn.
The Malta Independent also published parts of a sworn affidavit by one of the alleged victims. In her affidavit, she gave a chronological account of the various times she and Fr Charles Fenech were involved sexually.
She said that after her marriage was annulled, she threw a party to which Fr Charles Fenech was invited. It was here that he tried to kiss her for the first time.
The relationship developed into a roller-coaster of events, with the two at times close to each other and at other times staying apart.
She submitted a complaint to the Curia's Response Team in 2006 and a decision on her case has not yet been taken, eight years later.