Police: Sex offender used alias in LDS ward, worked with teens
By Ben Lockhart
November 8, 2014
Adam Wolfe |
WASHINGTON TERRACE — A registered sex offender used an alias without permission while holding leadership positions and working with minors in his LDS ward, police say.
51-year-old Adam Wolfe, who formerly went by the legal name of David Michael Blackner, is charged with two counts of violating his sex offender registry, both third-degree felonies. An investigation by the Weber County Sheriff's Office led to Wolfe's arrest Oct. 27. He posted $10,000 bondable bail the next day.
Wolfe legally changed his name in December 2011, shortly after his 10-year sex offender status expired. But he violated the terms of his sex offender status, according to court documents, when he started using the alias Adam Wolfe in his local congregation in 2007 without telling authorities.
That was the year Wolfe was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, according to police. He quickly gained leadership positions in his new church, sheriff's office Lt. Lane Findlay told the Standard-Examiner. Wolfe reportedly began working with teenagers in 2008 as part of his church responsibilities.
"While in that (ward), he was involved in several programs where he had access to minors," Findlay said. "Because this person had access to children, there's some concern there may be victims out there that haven't been identified."
Findlay is asking anyone with knowledge about Wolfe's possible involvement with minors to call sheriff's Sgt. Stephanie Tatton at 801-778-6639. Tatton is the detective who headed up the investigation into Wolfe's alleged deception.
No minors have so far been reported as possible victims, Findlay said. However, Wolfe clearly violated the law not only through his unreported use of an alias, according to Findlay, but also through his failure to disclose his direct access to teenagers in his church activities.
"Any type of volunteer work has to be reported," Findlay said.
Wolfe allegedly admitted to the violations in an interview with police on the day he was arrested. His initial court hearing is scheduled for Nov. 26 in Ogden before 2nd District Judge Ernie Jones.
Wolfe's status as a sex offender stems from a charge of attempted forcible sexual abuse, a third-degree felony, in 1996. He pleaded no contest in that case, which was filed in Ogden.