| Archdiocese of Chicago Clergy Sexual Misconduct with Minors
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago
November 6, 2014
2014 Document Publication
The Archdiocese of Chicago has voluntarily released documents related to 36 Archdiocesan priests who have at least one substantiated allegation of sexual misconduct with a minor. These documents are in addition to those released in January on 30 other priests. This release, together with the January release, covers priests who have substantiated allegations of sexual misconduct with minors identified on the Archdiocese’s website as of November 2014. Documents pertaining to two priests, former Rev. Daniel J. McCormack and Rev. Edward J. Maloney, are not included, due to ongoing processes that do not permit release.
A thorough document review process was used to prepare documents for release. It was designed to protect victim privacy, comply with legal restrictions against publishing mental health and medical information and protect the privacy of third parties mentioned in the documents but not involved in the abuse. Nothing was redacted or removed to conceal the identity of abusers.
None of these priests are currently in ministry. Explanatory materials concerning the long term record of the Archdiocese in responding to priest sexual abuse may be found here.
Inquiries may be directed to the Office of the Protection of Children and Youth, Archdiocese of Chicago, PO Box 1979, Chicago, IL 60690; (312) 534-5254.
[Baranowski, Alexander Sylvester]
[Bartz, Richard Barry]
[Becker, Robert Charles]
[Bennett, Joseph R.]
[Bogdan, Leonard Adolph]
[Bowman, Robert Peter]
[Braun, David Francis]
[Brigham, Kenneth]
[Buck, Daniel Peter]
[Burns, Eugene Patrick]
[Calicott, John Walter]
[Cloutier, William J.]
[Craig, Robert]
[Curran, John William]
[Czajka, Norman J.]
[DeRoeck, Walter George]
[Dilla, Francis Emil]
[Fassbinder, Richard Wayne]
[Fitzharris, Joseph L.]
[Flosi, James Vincent]
[Friese, Robert]
[Garza, Jesus P.]
[Hagan, James Craig]
[Hefferan, John Edward]
[Hoder, James]
[Hogan, Michael J.]
[Holihan, Daniel Mark]
[Huppenbauer, Walter Edward]
[Job, Thomas]
[Kealy, Robert Louis]
[Keehan, John James]
[Kelly, Thomas]
[Keough, John Joseph]
[Kissane, Joseph Patrick]
[Kmak, Leonard Paul]
[Lupo, William L.]
[Maday, Norbert J.]
[Maloney, Edward]
[Mayer, Robert E.]
[McCaffrey, Vincent]
[McCormack, Daniel J.]
[McDonald, Robert Joseph]
[McNamara, Peter John]
[Miller, Gary M.]
[Mulsoff, Donald John]
[O'Brien, William John]
[Owens, Joseph]
[Pallikunnen, Emmanuel]
[Ray, James M.]
[Robinson, John Allen]
[Rohrich, John F.]
[Romano, Russell Lawrence]
[Ruge, Kenneth Charles]
[Savage, Joseph E.]
[Skriba, Raymond Francis]
[Snieg, Marion Joseph]
[Steel, James R.]
[Stewart, Victor E.]
[Strand, Ralph S.]
[Swade, Thomas J.]
[Swider, Henry Peter]
[Tanghal, Albert]
[Theisen, Richard Gregory]
[Thomas, Joseph S.]
[Turlo, Walter Joseph]
[Ulatowski, Donald Francis]
[Vader, Anthony Joseph]
[Weston, Michael Howard]