Michael Driscoll, Former Pedo Priest-Protecting OC Bishop, Resigns as Bishop of Boise
By Gustavo Arellano
Orange County Weekly
November 4, 2014
Since there are no usable photos of Driscoll in the OC Weekly archives, this pig'll do--no offense against the pig, mind you... |
This morning, the Vatican press office announced that Diocese of Boise Bishop Michael Driscoll was resigning his position due to reaching the Holy See's mandatory retirement age for bishops. Too bad Pope Francis couldn't have booted Driscoll much earlier for his notorious career of protecting pedophile priests in Orange County.
We've reported extensively on Driscoll's love of helping pedophiles during his time in Orange, from the diocese's foundation in 1977 until he was promoted to Boise bishop in 1999, replacing fellow pedo-priest fan Tod D. Brown, who was becoming the head bishop in Orange; that was the worst trade since the Chicago Cubs got rid of Lou Brock. Instead of retelling all of Driscoll's sins, we invite you to take this 2005 quiz on his evil ways to give you insight into what a creep he was. And now we pray to God to visit multiple boils on Driscoll's nether regions, since we have mercy. Heckuva job, Brownie!
Contact: garellano@ocweekly.com