| Childline Refuses Four Times to Back Fiona Woolf As Head of Sex Abuse Inquiry
By Georgia Graham
October 31, 2014
Fiona Woolf is under increased pressure to resign as the head of the inquiry into child sex abuse Photo: Clara Molden
Fiona Woolf is under increased pressure to resign as the head of the inquiry into child sex abuse, as ChildLine refuses to back her leadership and representatives of victims say she has "no qualifications whatsoever" to lead the investigation.
Theresa May, the Home Secretary, is preparing for the first meeting of officials, Mrs Woolf and representatives of victims of child abuse to discuss the terms of the inquiry.
Peter Saunders, the chief executive of the National Association of People Abused in Childhood, who will be attending the meeting said that he was yet to meet a single survivor of child sex abuse who has "any confidence" in the leadership of Mrs Woolf.
Mrs Woolf is under pressure over her personal links to Leon Brittan, the former Home Secretary, who is likely to be called to give evidence to the inquiry over his handling of allegations of abuse during his time in office.
The Home Office has been helping to “cover up” links between the head of the child sex abuse inquiry as it emerged that a draft letter to prove Fiona Woolf had limited contacts with the Conservative grandee was re-written seven times.
Sue Minto, the head of ChildLine, refused four times to back Mrs Woolf as the head of the inquiry and said that the victims need to be reassured that the individuals who will be doing the ground work are "the people who know what they are talking about".
Mr Saunders said: "What I am tempted to say to Fiona and to the Home Secretary who appointed Fiona Woolf, child abuse is like a cancer. We know that it is widespread, we know that it has the most devastating effect on the victims. Everyday we hear from hundreds of people who are still suffering from the effects of abuse.
"So if you are going to put together an inquiry, an investigation into this massive problem like a cancer then surely you would appoint a group of specialists who know something about the subject and will have the confidence of the people who are suffering from that particular problem.
Mr Saunders told Radio 4's Today Programme: "No one is having a pop at Fiona Woolf as a person, I am sure that she is a person of high integrity, but she has no qualification whatsoever to lead an inquiry into such a deeply, deeply disturbing issue as child abuse. She has no qualification to do that, she has no experience, she said as much."
"I am just one representation from one organisation but I have yet to meet anyone from the survivor organisations or individual survivors who have any faith in Fiona Woolf's chairship, or indeed many people on the panel."
Sue Minto, head of ChildLine, refuses to back Fiona Woolf four times on Radio 4's Today Programme
Mishal Husain: The NSPCC has not explicitly given its backing. Do you, as head of ChildLine, do you give her your full backing as the head of this inquiry?
Sue Minto: I think the most important thing is to ensure that whoever chairs the inquiry also has an excellent team, the team that has the experience and the ability, the expertise to make sure this is a full and thorough...
Mishal Husain: Yes but the main person, the chair, is obviously really important. Does she have your backing in that role?
Sue Minto: I think that the NSPCC and Childline are both saying that whilst the chair is a very important person actually it is much more important that the people who are really doing the delving and digging have the experience and expertise.
Mishal Husain: Right because many victims clearly think that she is not the right person. Does this mean you are not prepared to do that?
Sue Minto: No that's not what I am saying at all. What I am saying is that the focus on who is leading the inquiry does take away from the fact that what you absolutely need is a team of experienced, expert people.
Mishal Husain: So the victims are wrong to focus on that?
Sue Minto: No I don't think the victims are wrong. I think we have to listen to the victims. I think that it is broader than just who it is who is heading up the team and I think the victims need to be reassured that the individuals who will be doing the ground work if you like are the people who know what they are talking about.
Mishal Husain: It is striking because the victims are meeting the officials who are looking after the inquiry today and it is striking that on this you are not prepared to say that she is the right person to lead this inquiry.
Sue Minto: I have come on here obviously today to talk about victims, to talk about children and young people who are having huge difficulties and of course the NSPCC and ChildLine care deeply about what they say and it is one of the key things to listen to.