St. Paul: On trial in underage sex sting, man argues he was really trying to prevent abuse
By Anne Millerbernd
Pioneer Press
October 27, 2014
Stephen Joseph Schulz |
A 56-year-old Golden Valley man went online last year and lured someone he thought was a 15-year-old boy to meet him for sex, a Ramsey County prosecutor told a jury Monday.
Stephen Joseph Schulz posted more than 10 personal ads on Craigslist, posing as males of different ages, but only one got a response, said defense attorney Paul Engh. The reply was from a St. Paul police officer who was posing as a minor.
But Engh argued that Schulz actually was trying to spare another child from the type of abuse and pain he experienced at a young age, when he says he was molested by a priest.
Schulz, who is being tried in Ramsey County District Court on charges of sexual solicitation of a child via the Internet, was arrested in April 2013 after the undercover officer arranged a meeting in St. Paul.
According to the criminal complaint in the case, one of Schulz's Craigslist ads identified him as a 45-year-old man seeking another male. The ad said he had gone on a baseball trip to Florida with his son and "some hanky panky went on." It also said the person who posted the ad was looking for oral sex.
Prosecutor Yasmin Mullings said Schulz posted that ad in order to meet with an underage male for oral and other types of sex. She said Schulz knew what he was doing and had time to consider his actions during his 40-minute drive to St. Paul.
But Engh said the past abuse Schulz suffered affected his decision to try to arrange the meeting. He said Schulz was the victim of sexual abuse perpetrated by the Rev.
Franklyn Becker and was hoping to protect the "boy" from experiencing similar abuse.
Engh told the jury that after Schulz's father left his family when he was a child, his mother became active in the Roman Catholic Church. Becker, a priest in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, became close to the family. When Schulz was 13 or 14 years old, Becker took Schulz and a friend on a trip to Geneva, Wis., where he shared a bed with the two boys and molested them, Engh said.
In a second instance of abuse, Becker attempted to have anal sex with Schulz but was unable to because Schulz was wearing underwear, Engh said.
When he got a response from his Craigslist ad, he had already filed a claim against the archdiocese and was thinking about his own abuse. Schulz "wanted to meet the child, mentor him and prevent another tragedy," Engh said.
Engh frequently represents priests accused of sexual misconduct.
Becker worked at parishes in Wisconsin from 1964 to 1981 and was assigned to hospital chaplaincy from 1983 to 1991.
According to the Milwaukee Archdiocese and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Becker was accused of sexually abusing at least nine boys in Wisconsin and one in San Diego, where he worked briefly.
In May 2002, Becker was arrested in connection with the past sexual assault of a minor in California. Those charges were dropped when the law was found to be unconstitutional, the archdiocese said.
Becker was defrocked in 2004. Now 77, he lives in Fond du Lac, Wis., according to online records. Franklyn Becker and was hoping to protect the "boy" from experiencing similar abuse.
Engh told the jury that after Schulz's father left his family when he was a child, his mother became active in the Roman Catholic Church. Becker, a priest in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, became close to the family. When Schulz was 13 or 14 years old, Becker took Schulz and a friend on a trip to Geneva, Wis., where he shared a bed with the two boys and molested them, Engh said.
In a second instance of abuse, Becker attempted to have anal sex with Schulz but was unable to because Schulz was wearing underwear, Engh said.
When he got a response from his Craigslist ad, he had already filed a claim against the archdiocese and was thinking about his own abuse. Schulz "wanted to meet the child, mentor him and prevent another tragedy," Engh said.
Engh frequently represents priests accused of sexual misconduct.
Becker worked at parishes in Wisconsin from 1964 to 1981 and was assigned to hospital chaplaincy from 1983 to 1991.
According to the Milwaukee Archdiocese and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Becker was accused of sexually abusing at least nine boys in Wisconsin and one in San Diego, where he worked briefly.
In May 2002, Becker was arrested in connection with the past sexual assault of a minor in California. Those charges were dropped when the law was found to be unconstitutional, the archdiocese said.
Becker was defrocked in 2004. Now 77, he lives in Fond du Lac, Wis., according to online records.