Who Rules ? Pope Francis Faces ‘Old Power/New Sex’ Crises and a Solution
By Jerry Slevin
Christian Catholicism
October 25, 2014
The sexual and democratic revolutions are steadily advancing over the Vatican’s barricades. In response, Pope Francis so far has created a “holy mess” with his two-step, top down and coercive Synod strategy. It appears evident, after the first Synod step recently, that (1) there are at present no attainable satisfactory solutions, even in sight, to the sexual and structural challenges under review, and (2) a couple of hundred celibate “sons of the Church” in medieval costumes, as the only voting participants, cannot possibly find and agree on real solutions merely by means of a media “staged” Synod.
Many Catholics worldwide are now very confused by this “mess”. Who now decides for Catholics what is “sinful” and how “sinners” are to be treated in this life by the Catholic Church? The Pope? The Ex-Pope? A Synod of Bishops? The “People of God” (all Catholics collectively)? The conscience of of each purported “sinner”? What if some of them disagree? Why have a Synod then? Who is now the final word? Are any of them really “infallible”? Will it really matter much to over a billion Catholics? Pope Francis must step up now, no?
Pope Francis showed, as a younger Jesuit leader at risk, in his dealings with a murderous military in Argentina, that he can act decisively under pressure. He has enough power now, but must apply it to a papal management process that has a real chance of succeeding. Another Synod, without more, cannot possibly succeed, as I endeavor to explain below.
If Francis does not adjust his management process now, I can only then infer he is merely going through some public relations motions in all likelihood. I outline below how he can efficaciously and readily adjust his process, if he is serious about needed reforms and a solution. If he is not serious, outside governments will likely continue to press to reform the Vatican’s sexual morality and organizational structural flaws soon enough, as they already have begun to do in the financial corruption area.
Several competing factions among the Catholic hierarchy appear to be already pressing now ever harder for adoption, at the second Synod step next October, of even more inconsistent and inadequate positions on Church “sexual morality doctrines” and on Church structural reforms.
Pope Francis’ almost desperate attempt at the initial Synod: (1) to “cherrypick” the agenda issues and the bishop participants, (2) to try to control the Synod managers and Synod report draftsmen, and (3) to spin the media with arcane “graduality” and similar discussions and “natural family planning” cheerleaders, has failed completely.
Meanwhile, the unrelenting tsunami of sexual and financial scandals and government investigations and prosecutions is steadily swamping the Vatican in digital filth. Also, Francis’ political and biological clocks are seemingly running out, as the Vatican almost blindly seeks to avoid escalating outside government pressure on Pope Francis, (1) to share power, as the earliest popes did for centuries, with the other 99.9% of the Catholic “People of God” not participating at the Synods, and (2) to make the hierarchy transparently accountable to these Catholics generally, and to the rule of law honestly.
The original Vatican crisis (1) about correcting mistaken “papally dictated doctrines” on sexual morality, in light of current scientific and historical research, and (2) about curtailing clerical criminality, involving child abuse and financial corruption, is now morphing into a second crisis over the purported basis of papal authority — the barely 150 year old “doctrine of infallibility”.
Paradoxically, Pope Francis’ claim to personal infallibility could likely be his winning “trump” card if he alters his Synod strategy now, as he must if he really wants to save the Catholic Church. He must understand clearly enough by now that he must alter his strategy pronto, surely after sitting for days and observing first hand the recent disarray among competing Synod factions. This disarray has even intensified now, as indicated, for example, in the recent conservative positions listed in “11 Ways the Synod Failed … “, see here:
Can and will Pope Francis now providentially save the Catholic Church spiritually, politically and even legally, (1) by effectively sharing power with the silent Catholic 99.9% majority of the People of God, as the earliest popes did for centuries, and (2) by admitting “infallibly”, as he must, that popes are not infallible and that many “moral certainties” are uncertain? Nothing less than major consensual structural reform and papal honesty about doctrinal uncertainty can likely save the Catholic Church from its inevitable demise into small sects under its present self perpetuating and corrupt coercive structure and unChristlike strategy.
The recent Synod chaos and divisions showed clearly that a large assembly of celibate and self interested older men alone cannot address the key challenges effectively or authoritatively. So Francis must, first, now add sufficient, independent, diverse and representative non-clerical Catholics, especially women, as full participants to the October 2015 Final Synod.
And most importantly, Pope Francis also, preferably well before the 2015 Synod, needs to assign the issues to be addressed at the next Synod, which must now also include holding bishops fully accountable for protecting predatory priests, to a competent committee made up entirely of truly independent lay and clerical experts, as I discuss further below, who would then report their recommendations publicly to the Synod before October 2015. A Final Synod “committee” of hundreds, as is currently contemplated, just guarantees Synod gridlock, failure and frustration. It is just too unwieldy, as the recent initial Synod demonstrated clearly.
This much smaller committee’s members would also be added as full voting participants at the Final Synod. Francis would then, following the Final Synod, make the “infallible” decisions, in light of this committee’s and the Final Synod’s recommendations.
And equally important, Pope Francis must then also announce publicly major and permanent Church structural changes to make the hierarchy fully accountable to the other 99.9% of the People of God, including in selecting, electing, overseeing and removing all bishops, including the Bishop of Rome. Francis can now, in effect, revise at will the Church’s Code of Canon Law.
In a Washington Post article, and by a prior e-mail, almost five years ago, I recommended as a lifelong Catholic to then ex-Pope Benedict a potentially successful “small committee” approach to analyzing and selecting needed reforms, in light of my over three decades of international legal experience. This practical experience followed upon my Harvard Law/Business School education and 16 years of prior Catholic schooling.
The ex-Pope’s top aide, also currently a key secretary to Cardinal Mueller’s doctrinal discipline committee, Archbishop Gus DiNoia, was even my Providence College classmate.
I think my recommended approach was one that any competent modern multinational organization would seriously consider pursuing in the current circumstances. A strict Synod approach, on the other hand, would in my opinion not be selected by any multinational organization as a viable solution.
The Shadow Pope and his inept and scandal prone top aide, Cardinal Bertone, apparently thought they knew better. They never even acknowledged receipt my proposal, which had actually originated from a prior suggestion of a prominent American Jesuit.
The ex-Pope then failed spectacularly and resigned last year, literally in shame, as I predicted three years ago he likely would have to. Now, as noted below, the Shadow Pope, seemingly arrogantly and ungratefully, appears to be trying to make a comeback with a recent significant public speech to a Rome university on ecumenical strategy, Cardinal Kasper’s specialty. The German Shepherd will likely fail again.
One wonders what role the Shadow Pope actually played behind the scenes at the Synod, as some of his proteges, like Cardinals Mueller, Burke and Schoenborn, played important roles, often in opposition to positions of Cardinal Kasper and perhaps, at times, of Pope Francis, it appears. Hans Kung as early as February 2013 had warned Pope Francis not to let the Shadow Pope continue living at the Vatican. Kung has known the ex-Pope well for over a half century. For Kung’s warning, see:
And, yes, Pope Francis likely likely fail as well, if he continues on his current path of “staged” and “top down” Synods, with (1) only minimal effective participation of independent representatives of the Catholic 99%, especially women, and (2) no overall coherent approach that an independent committee could provide for Francis and the Synod, as I outlined in my 2010 Washington Post remarks linked below.
Please see my earlier recommendation to the ex-Pope, that the recent Synod has made even more relevant now, entitled “Pope should endorse independent investigation “, at:
For over a year and a half, Pope Francis, the elderly “son of the Church” and ex-bouncer bachelor has been up to his eyeballs in sexual morality challenges, including: (1) the Pill, (2) same sex marriage, (3) remarried divorced Catholics, (4) pedophile, philandering and/or greedy clerics and (5) a Vatican gay lobby. A papal friendly “media whitewash”, “staged Synods”, and even diversionary calls for Middle East military action against Islamicists, cannot cover up for long embedded clerical corruption and criminality. See Jason Berry’s latest expose, which seemingly implicates, among others, the “usual suspects”, Cardinals Bertone and Sodano, entitled, “Vatican monsignor pressured to return church valuables that went missing on his watch” at:
Francis’ top priority so far, however, has apparently been mainly to protect the “Vatican’s old boys’ club and loot” by trying his best to keep Vatican officials and assets out of the expanding clutches of outside government officials investigating Vatican financial and sexual misdeeds.
Since popes can still influence national political and social policies in many nations, this centuries’ old Vatican mess needs to be cleaned up pronto. This may require the intervention of democratically responsive outside forces, as has happened earlier in papal history, most recently in 1870. The scheduled “Final Synod” in October 2015, less than a year away, as presently structured, cannot possibly clean up this mess, in my considered judgment.
Pope Francis likely will be at least eighty years old before any of the few limited and inadequate reforms, now under discussion, could be implemented. Even then, some yet unknown pope, possibly one of either Cardinal Parolin (a Cardinal Sodano protege), or Cardinals Schoenborn or Marx (ex-Pope Benedict’s proteges), would soon thereafter likely succeed him and reject the limited reforms, as Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI, in effect, rejected some Vatican II reforms.
Too little, too late, clearly. Too bad Francis lost the 2005 papal election to curial insider, Cardinal Ratzinger! It appears with hindsight that the German Shepherd was seemingly elected in 2005 over Cardinal Bergoglio to avoid rocking the Vatican boat. But with the ex-Pope’s defensive mismanagement, theological obsessions, heavy handed intolerance and other shortcomings, he had nearly sunk the Vatican Titanic that Francis is now desperately trying to salvage.
As noted below, ex-Pope Benedict. now the Shadow Pope that Hans Kung warned about, and Vienna’s Cardinal Schoenborn, the Shadow Pope’s “spiritual son”and his chief Catechism editor, as well as Cardinal Marx, are even weighing in publicly now. Francis has so far missed with his Synod a small window of opportunity to involve 99.9% of the People of God in any really effective sense. The proliferation of opinions of top Cardinals, and even of an ex-Pope, is confusing to many Catholics worldwide. Indeed, it prompts the questions of who is in charge, indeed, is anyone in charge?
The Synod process, so far, has been at best inconclusive and discouraging. At worst, it has been a real farce. None of the 99.9% silent majority of the People of God, including no women, are as yet full Synod participants, and the proceedings are not publicly open. Indeed, and significantly, as Jesuit Vatican expert, Thomas Reese, fairly noted on 10/24. “The synod that ended on Oct. 19 prepared a relatio, or working paper, for discussion throughout the church, which, SADLY, HAS NOT YET BEEN TRANSLATED {my emphasis}. It is not the final word, but a document meant to stimulate discussion in local churches.” Yes sadly! So far, the discussions are mainly limited to those who can read Italian. What a symbolic statement of disdain for 99.9% of the People of God! Where in God’s name are the translations of such an important document?
An English translation could have been done in less than a day by any competent translator. But none so far is forthcoming, even a week later.
Are Vatican spinners, and their US Bishops’ and donor clients, seeking to suppress in an English translation until after the crucial US elections in 10 days, or at least as long as feasible, the sensitive sections like the doubling down on the 1968 contraception ban?
These sections of the Final Report of the recent Synod would likely draw out, in protest, more progressive US Democratic voters. That is evidently undesirable for the Vatican and its US right wing billionaire buddies. Who can know for sure with the non-stop Vatican secrecy?
As Italian nationalists almost 150 years ago in 1870 seized the Papal States from autocratic Pope Pius IX, democratic governments will likely press the Vatican hard to adopt power sharing reforms by Luther’s 500th anniversary in 2017. Papal infallibility has had a good 150 year run as a contrived and magical source of popes’ power since 1869, but it has ultimately been proven historically and practically to be illusory. Hans Kung at his peril had persuasively suggested this, at least via a book in 1970, to the ex-Pope, to his papal predecessors, Paul VI and John Paul II, and to the then young Jesuit, Francis.
It is quite notable that Pope Francis has recently (1) thanked Kung by a handwritten note for his outstanding new book and wise Church survival strategy, “Can We Save the Catholic Church?” (see at: http://amzn.com/0007522029 ) and (2) relied so much for theological advice on Kung’s early assistant, Cardinal Kasper, apparently to the ex-Pope’s dismay. Kasper and the ex-Pope have been German intellectual rivals, apparently for over a half century, including with respect to the Catholic Church’s ecumenical strategy. As noted below, this rivalry is heating up again, as the ex-Pope repays Pope Francis’ kindness to the ex-Pope and his “rock star” housemate, George Ganswein, by, in effect, trying publicly to undercut Francis’ papal leadership, it appears.
For three centuries after Jesus, many Catholics resolved issues over “developing doctrines” often consensually and “bottom up” as a group . For the next sixteen centuries, a varying mix of councils, popes and monarchs resolved issues over “developing doctrines” usually coercively and “top down”.
Since the First Vatican Council in 1869, popes and their clique of curial advisers resolved issues related to “developing doctrines” almost always coercively and “top down”, especially under Cardinal Ratzinger, the ex-Pope. That cannot work any longer. “Top down” decision making must (and will) soon return to the original “bottom up” and consensual decision making, or else, for the hierarchical Catholic Church
Francis’ recent Synod has exposed, for all the world to see, the absolute absurdity of celibate old men in medieval costumes, many inexperienced in real long term human relationships, dictating “sex rules” for hundreds of millions of Catholics of varied sexual orientation. The Synod process exhibited more gross incompetence than papal infallibility.
Popes decided they were “infallible when answering questions about faith and morals” less than 150 years ago, when autocratic Pope Pius IX lost his Papal States kingdom and needed a substitute “power boost”. For 100 years now, Catholic educators with Vatican “encouragement” have indoctrinated many hundreds of millions of mostly seven year old Catholics at First Communion/First Confession to the effect that the pope was “personally infallible”.
Papal blunders, however, especially (1) backing tyrants like Mussolini, Franco, Hitler and many more since, up to the present, (2) banning birth control in 1930 and again in 1968, and (3) facilitating, seemingly worldwide, child predators and clerical crooks, have led many Catholics at present to doubt fundamentally the pope’s infallibility about anything.
Pope Pius IX’s seemingly dictated the “papal infallibility doctrine” at the First Vatican Council (Vatican I) as Italian nationalist troops were advancing on the Vatican in 1869. Popes since then, for almost 150 years now, have derived from this unprecedented papal power grab their claim that the pope is the only infallible transmitter of Jesus’ hopeful “message of love”. Ultimately, absolute papal power depends essentially on the continued belief, in this historically and practically unsupportable claim, by over a billion docile Catholics. Many of these Catholics donate regularly to the Vatican, and often vote for their national leaders as directed by the Vatican.
Unending scandals about priests’ and bishops’ child abuse and related cover-ups and widespread hierarchical financial corruption, as well as chaotic clerical confrontations over “doctrines” and “turf”, like those at the recent Synod, are sending a very “unloving and fallible” papal message, to a billion plus Catholics who are rapidly losing their docility..
Poor Pope Francis! How much more can an almost 78 year old handle? It is still unclear what the Catholic Church’s top problems are and who is really in charge. Basic points, no, for a Vatican struggling to survive, as government investigators of Vatican “sins” continue their march to Rome?
Pope Francis has clearly created a “holy mess” over sexual morality with his Synod. Moreover, the mess is being made even “messier” by (1) the new public activism of the ex-Pope, the Shadow Pope, and the continuing public activism of his seeming proteges, including Cardinals Mueller, Burke, Schoenborn and Marx, (2) some allegedly sexually active hierarchs, like the UK’s ex-Bishop Kieran Conry and Cardinal O’Brien, Poland’s/Dominican Republic’s ex-Archbishop Wesolowski, and perhaps, as suggested by media reports, Minneapolis’ Archbishop Nienstedt, (3) many sexually promiscuous priests worldwide, now reportedly including northern Italian Rivera “gay playboy priests, and (4) some of the silent Catholic 99.9% majority of the “People of God”, who are increasingly talking as if their views really mattered. So who now has the “last word” and does it matter very much any more?
Meanwhile, an “opposite sex” Catholic ex-bishop is topping the UK media charts with reports about his flings with married women under other bishops’ noses apparently. See: http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/damian-thompson/2014/10/the-disgraced-bishop-and-the-loyal-parish-catholic-double-standards-at-their-finest/
And even in Italy, “playboy priests” from a diocese nearby and under Cardinal Bertone’s former Metropolitan Archdiocese of Genoa, are the latest papal “scandal of the week”. Reportedly, in this scandal-ridden Catholic diocese in northern Italy, priests posted naked photos of themselves on gay websites, raided church coffers and sexually harassed parishioners is to be investigated by a special envoy to Pope Francis. See:
Concerning Pope Francis and the New “Higher” Voices of the Ex-Pope and some of his proteges, Cardinals Schoenborn and Marx:
The recent public activism of some Cardinals, and surely of the ex-Pope, raise serious questions about who “speaks last” for the Catholic Church. At a minimum, it confuses many Catholics.
Pope Francis:
In his talk on Saturday (10/18), as reported by the National Catholic Reporter (NCR), Pope Francis frankly addressed some of the divisions and discussions the Synod has generated. Francis indicated, in pertinent part:
“Many commenters, or people that talk, have imagined seeing a church in dispute where one part is against the other, doubting even the Holy Spirit, the true promoter and guarantor of unity an harmony in the church,” he said.”
“Referencing a talk he gave the synod when it began its work Oct. 6, Francis said “it was necessary to live … with tranquility and also with interior peace because the synod takes place with Peter and under Peter and the presence of the pope is the guarantee for all.”
“The task of the pope is to guarantee the unity of the church … “
It is evident, to me at least, that Pope Francis appears to be staking his claim here to be the ultimate “untier of knots”, as the purported “successor to Peter”. One wonders, then, why he bothered having a Synod in the first place?
Ex Pope Benedict:
NCR recently reported on the ex-Pope’s public remarks made on Tuesday (10/21). The ex-Pope’s words appeared in written remarks to faculty members and students at Rome’s Pontifical Urbanian University. Archbishop Georg Ganswein, prefect of the papal household and personal secretary to the ex-Pope, read the 1,800-word message aloud at a ceremony dedicating the university’s renovated main lecture hall to the ex-Pope.
Ex-Pope Benedict XVI said dialogue with other religions is no substitute for spreading the Gospel to non-Christian cultures and warned against relativistic ideas of religious truth as “lethal to faith.” He also said the true motivation for missionary work is not to increase the church’s size, but to share the joy of knowing Christ.
The speech is one of a handful of public statements, including an interview and a published letter to a journalist, that Pope Benedict has made since he retired in February 2013.
The ex-Pope added: “In fact, many today think religions should respect each other and, in their dialogue, become a common force for peace. According to this way of thinking, it is usually taken for granted that different religions are variants of one and the same reality,” the ex-Pope wrote. “The question of truth, that which originally motivated Christians more than any other, is here put inside parentheses. It is assumed that the authentic truth about God is in the last analysis unreachable and that at best one can represent the ineffable with a variety of symbols. This renunciation of truth seems realistic and useful for peace among religions in the world.”
“It is nevertheless lethal to faith. In fact, faith loses its binding character and its seriousness, everything is reduced to interchangeable symbols, capable of referring only distantly to the inaccessible mystery of the divine,” the ex-Pope wrote.
Of course, the ex-Pope has had issues issues with Cardinal Kasper and with Hans Kung about the right approach to world religions. Is this the time, place and subject for the ex-Pope to be publicly pontificating about. I thought he had retired. How can this kind of public activity NOT risk undercutting Pope Francis?
Cardianal Schönborn:
NCR also reported that Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna has appealed not only to the media, but also to the Catholic Church in general to take a closer look at the broader family environment — including single parents, widows, children of divorced couples, and patchwork families — rather than concentrate solely on communion for divorced and remarried people and those in gay relationships.
The media’s “tunnel view” — namely, its concentration on divorced and remarried people and those in same-sex relationships — also to a certain extent, played a dominant role at the Synod discussions, he reportedly told the press on his return to Vienna after the Synod.
He then quoted the view of one of the only female participants at the synod, whom Pope Francis was especially invited to take part as a non-voting auditor: Ute Eberl, 52, a married mother of three, who has been responsible for family pastoral work in the Berlin archdiocese for over 20 years. “Take a look at the living room first and not at the bedroom,” Schönborn said Eberl told Synod participants. “Once you start wagging your finger, you’re no longer taken seriously.”
It is unacceptable generally, in my view, for Cardinals to be publicly challenging Synod positions, at least until translations of the Final Report have been made publicly available.
Cardinal Marx:
Also, as reported by NCR, addressing a key question raised by the Synod of Bishops on the family, the German cardinal said on Friday (10/17) that Church doctrine can change over time. The Church’s doctrine, Cardinal Reinhard Marx said, “doesn’t depend on the spirit of time, but can develop over time.”
“Saying that the doctrine will never change is a restrictive view of things,” Marx said at a Vatican press conference.”The core of the Catholic Church remains the Gospel, but have we discovered everything?” he asked. “This is what I doubt.”
Marx’s remarks on doctrine carry special significance as the Synod has raised expectations that the Church might be changing some of its family pastoral practices, particularly regarding how it treats those who have divorced and remarried without first obtaining annulments.
When asked about whether the Catholic Church was welcoming gay folks and guaranteeing them a space of fraternity in the Church’s community, Marx reportedly said: “homosexuals are not condemned by the Church for their sexual orientation.”
Making a difference between gay couples who have monogamous relationships for decades and gay persons who are promiscuous, Marx continued: “I cannot simply say that everything is black or everything is white… We cannot say that since you are homosexual, you cannot experience the Gospel,” Marx said. “This is impossible to me.”
Answering questions about possible changes in the Church’s teachings toward divorced and remarried people, Marx said the Church first “needs to make a pastoral effort” to let such people who are divorced and remarried know that they are still part of the church.
“Nobody is excluded [from the Church],” he said. “Nobody is superfluous. Exclusion is not in the language of the church…. We cannot say since you are [this way], you have become a second-category Christian,” Marx said. “This is not possible.”
“We cannot divide Christians into first class or second class or third class,” he continued. All Christians, he said, are “parts of the body of Christ. We all participate.”
It is confusing to me as a non-cleric that different prominent Church officials can at the same time say such seemingly disparate things. Has Cardinal Marx listened to Cardinals Mueller, Burke and Pell?
Really, what is going on? Is anyone really in charge?
On contraception:
Eternal damnation awaits those who pursue sexual intimacy without pregnancy prospects. This appears to be the “wonderful warning” that recently Pope Francis and his Synod of Bishops, in effect, confirmed again —both for “opposite sex couples” and for “same sex couples”.
This also confirmed the clear Vatican strategic link between the contraception and homosexuality issues. As the prominent Catholic observer, Peter Steinfels, noted a decade ago: “Homosexuality becomes the obvious battleground for addressing questions about nonprocreative heterosexuality.”
Papal power, of course, is derived from (1) claims that the pope is the only personally infallible transmitter of Jesus’ hopeful “message of love”, and (2) continued belief in these claims by over a billion docile Catholics who contribute and vote. Unending scandals involving priests’ child abuse and bishops’ financial corruption, as well as chaotic clerical confrontations over “doctrines” and “turf”, like those at the recent Synod, are sending a very “unloving and fallible” message to a billion plus Catholics.
See, in the picture and report here, as a likely indication of related political and financial considerations, Pope Francis’ welcoming at the end of the Synod, Zimbabwean president, Robert Mugabe, hardly the most “prophetic” supporter of Pope Francis’ breeding strategy:
As usual, the voices of women, as Francis’ “Adam’s Rib”, were barely heard at the Synod, as strongly noted in “‘Baad” News Around the World” here:
The man-made “Rabbit Rule” (Breed & Breed More!) of Popes Pius XI (1930) and Paul VI (1968) appears still to be the cornerstone of the Vatican’s key moral “doctrine of procreative sex, ONLY”. Corollaries of this Rule include:
1. Catholic “opposite sex couples” must “shoot” for pregnancy in each intimate encounter; and
2. Catholic “same sex couples”, who cannot “shoot” for pregnancy, cannot be intimate ever; otherwise heterosexual couples will also demand “unfruitful non-procreative sex”.
These continuing Vatican scandal setbacks make it strategically paramount for the Vatican to generate more Catholic babies, at least to replace millions of younger, and even older, Catholics, who increasingly find the Vatican’s Church to be neither loving nor infallible. Meanwhile, the Vatican’s main worldwide religious competitor, Muslims, keep producing more babies, at a higher rate than Catholics now do, putting more pressure on the Vatican’s escalating “Baby Crusade”.
Pregnant Catholics are always a “win-win” situation for the Catholic hierarchy. If the baby survives and thrives, the “new Catholic” can be expected, after the customary indoctrination that begins at First Confession no later than 7 years old, to donate meekly and often to bishops, and even often to follow obediently Vatican “political instructions”, a key source of the Vatican’s power and wealth, as the Mugabe welcome mentioned above suggests.
If any “Catholic baby” does not survive or thrive, it is not the hierarchy’s problem in the final analysis. It is the child’s problem, and sometimes the parents’ as well, but ultimately never the hierarchy’s problem. Indeed, we read too often of stories of Catholic priests, protected by their bishops, who sexually prey with impunity on vulnerable children in dismal and “overpopulated” family situations, as with Archbishop Wesolowski and Fr. Gil in the Dominican Republic. See:
http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/local/2014/10/15/53030/Dominican-Republic-can-extradite-former-Vatican-envoy-Think-tank AND
Francis, then, is apparently only pursuing the Vatican’s centuries’ old population policy — more Catholic babies are good for the Vatican’s “purse and power”. Logical, yes; but magical and unChristlike nonsense nonetheless!
Pope Francis at the Synod appears to have given his best “Good Cop/Bad Cop” performance to date. Pope Francis promoted, evidently, the “Be Nice To Gay Sinners” ephemeral farce, while the Bad Cops, including Cardinals Burke, Pell, Mueller and Dolan, took care of real business, especially before the crucial US Senate elections on November 4. While the world focused for a few days on the Pope’s “gay sinners’ public relations charade”, the Pope doubled down on the 1968 anti-contraception encyclical, Humanae Vitae, and its unChristlike papal author, Paul VI. Pope Francis wrapped them quietly in a new “saintly halo”.
Indeed, at a post-Synod round table in Rome reported on by La Stampa’s Vatican Insider, the President of a Pontifical Institute on Marriage and Family, Monsignor Melina, argued that the open approaches proposed during the Synod were simply “ways to attract people. It is like introducing end of season sales, Church style”. It may be more than an end of season sale. If Francis doesn’t “get real” at the October 2015 Final Synod, he may be having an “Out of Business” sale!
Melina seemed to express the Vatican’s overall approach to the 99.9% of the world’s Catholics, the so-called People of God, who were not represented at the Synod — treat them as “captive dumb customers”. Moreover, some of the many sincere and well behaved Catholic lay reformers, who met outside the Synod to express their independent views as members of the People of God in St. Peter’s public square, were reportedly harassed and nearly arrested by the Vatican’s heavy handed security forces.
What are the real options for the voiceless Catholic 99.9%silent majority of the People of God? It is quite clear from the Synod’s process that the coercive and top-down hierarchy, despite Pope Francis’ disingenuous rhetoric and diversionary gestures, have no intent to return to the consensual and bottom up Church structure that Jesus’ disciples, including some women, left behind for 300 years, until the powerful Roman Emperor Constantine and his successors commandeered the Vatican as an absolute monarchy for over a millennium and a half, up until the present.
Some Options For the Catholic 99.9% Silent Majority:
The Catholic 99.9% have mainly the following options:
1.Continuing to complain endlessly and “to wishful think” that Pope Francis, an almost 78 year old “son of the Church”, picked by ruthless, culpable and frightened Cardinals, will miraculously reform the Vatican. This is comforting and easy, but ultimately likely to be illusory, if not delusionary.
2. Leave the Church — many millions already have. Many more millions likely will, especially given the seeming hopelessness indicated by the recent Synod farce, unless the October 2015 Final Synod has real, diverse and independent participation by representatives of the Catholic 99.9%, the true People of God.
3. Stop donating and/or supporting government Church subsides, as in Germany.
— Again, many millions of Catholics now no longer donate or support the subsidies.
— I am convinced, solely with respect to the potential impacts on donations, that the Vatican would collect more in smaller donations from millions of returning and retained Catholics, than it would lose, if it told its 0.01% billionaire donors to take a hike on politically driven issues like contraception, same sex marriage and divorced Catholics’ being welcomed at the Communion Rail.
— So it appears that the Vatican and its bishops would even succeed better at the bank by complying with Jesus’ message. The bishops appear to be failures as bankers, almost as much as they are failures as pastors.
4. Rely on priest sex abuse survivors’ lawyers to “bankrupt the Church” leading thereby to positive and democratic changes in the Church’s hierarchical structure. This option will not after three decades likely succeed very far, at least any time soon. The Catholic hierarchy worldwide is too wealthy and too much is now going to non-productive legal fees.
— Moreover, the priest abuse survivors’ lawyers apparently also sometimes have a inherent conflict. These contingent fee lawyers may at times be willing to settle too eagerly with the wealthy Catholic Church hierarchy and even to agree to keep too many potentially incriminating details secret at times. See, for example, the excellent and revealing recent article by hard hitting, but fair, Minneapolis reporter, Madeleine Baran, entitled, “Lawyer’s deal with archdiocese arouses skepticism” at:
5. Relying on local state prosecutors. This has been mainly unsuccessful so far, given Catholic bishops’ and their opportunist allies’ considerable political clout, for example in Boston, Los Angeles and Philadelphia. Now in Minneapolis, the wheels of criminal justice, which turn slowly there, seem to be turning a bit with the prospect of criminal prosecutions of a few priests, including one priest case that reportedly may involve Archbishop Nienstedt in some capacity. See:
6. Relying on national investigations and prosecutions. As the Australian Royal Commission is demonstrating, this is the only way to get the Vatican to pay real attention to reforms. Hopefully, after the November 4 Congressional elections, President Obama will set up a similar presidential investigation commission. In my opinion, nothing else would be more of an impetus to get the Vatican to truly reform.
Concerning the Interrelationship of the Vatican’s Approaches to Contraception and Homosexuality:
The evident interrelationship between the Vatican’s “anti-gay relationships” and “anti-contraception” policies is very important.
The Vatican’s “theology” here seems more like an application of the old international political realism’s “population policy” strategy — the more Catholics born. the better it is for the hierarchy’s power and purse.
That some babies are born to couples that cannot afford to raise them, like millions of kids in the Philippines, is not the Vatican’s problem. Those that survive will be more than enough to support bishops financially and to influence politicians, who are seeking Vatican election support, to follow Vatican directives and to subsidize Vatican coffers.
So any recognition of a “loving adult human relationship” that doesn’t generate the maximum number of “Catholic babies” is “sinful”, whether that is due to heterosexual couples “planning” through artificial contraception to responsibly limit the number of their children or is due to same sex couples’ inability biologically to generate children.
From the perspective of Vatican “breeders” and “population planners”, the more important goal here is to have heterosexual couples generate, at any costs to the couples, more Catholic babies. But intimate gay relationships must, in these self-interested breeders’ view, be suppressed, since their approval by the Vatican would threaten the link that the Vatican breeders press for — namely, of “marriage” and the “openness to life”. As mentioned above, it appears the Vatican is concerned about keeping up with the high birth rates of its religious competitors, especially Muslims. It is a “procreation crusade”!
In effect, the Vatican is just extending Pope Pius XI’s original 1930 ban on birth control, which apparently was aimed at pumping up a depleted post-World War I European male population, in the face of Pius XI’s well documented obsession with the expansion of the atheistic Soviet empire.
Pope Francis is just following Paul VI’s mistaken and disastrous path. Paul VI, by foolishly trying to preserve “papal infallibility” in 1968 with his failed encyclical, Humanae Vitae, permanently and seriously damaged papal credibility. Francis is making matters worse. Please see my:
Paul VI’s ruthless disregard for his own birth control commission’s pro-contraception advice has been documented fully in Robert Blair Kaiser’s classic “The Politics of Sex and Religion”, which he generously has made available as a free e-book here:
The above Synod analysis is reinforced, in my view, by paragraph 57 of the recent Synod’s Final Report, which was approved by 169 in favor, and only 5 opposed, nearly unanimous.
Paragraph 57 (based on Google Translate) states, in pertinent part, as follows:
Heading: “The transmission of life and the challenge of falling birth rates
“57. It ‘s not hard to see the spread of a mentality that reduces the generation of life to a variable of individual or couple planning. Economic factors exert a burden, sometimes decisive, contributing to the sharp decline in the birth rate, which weakens the social fabric, compromises the relationship between the generations and makes the future appear more uncertain. OPENESS TO LIFE {my emphasis added} is an intrinsic requirement of conjugal love ….”
So there you have it. The Vatican through the Synod is saying, in effect:
1. More Catholic babies are needed to offset the “sharp decline {?} in the birth rate, which weakens the social fabric …”. Of course, more Catholic babies also appear potentially to enhance the Catholic hierarchy’s wealth and power indefinitely;
2. Heterosexual couples must always “shoot” for a pregnancy during intimacy, unless they are among the 2% who can abide by “natural family planning” which condones the periodic “shooting of blanks”; and
3. Same sex couples cannot be intimate because they cannot “procreate naturally”, since that might then tempt heterosexual couples to have sex without the possibility of pregnancy.
Amazing, but seemingly a true analysis.
Is Pope Francis serious?
It is becoming clearer, to me at least, that the Synod’s “one step forward, two steps backwards” ploy about welcoming gay relationships was mainly to distract from the doubling down on the Vatican’s anti-contraception policy, no?
Of course, given Vatican secrecy, perhaps the “Be nice to ‘gay sinners’ ” temporary diversion was mainly intended to distract from the widespread reports, including the one linked above, on disgraced former UK bishop, Kieran Conry, whose reported alleged amorous conjugal behavior was apparently not “open to life”. Now UK bishops are scrambling to explain how a man with Conry’s reported reputation was ever made a bishop in the first place.
The following remarks at the Synod by Nigerian Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama, as reported by the National Catholic Reporter (NCR), as follows, are enlightening in this regard:
“We should be allowed to think for ourselves… We are wooed by economic things,” said Kaigama, who heads Nigeria’s Jos archdiocese. “We are told if you limit your population, we’re going to give you so much. And we tell them, ‘Who tells you that our population is overgrown?’ “
Kaigama, one of 36 African prelates attending the Synod as the heads of the continent’s bishops’ conferences, spoke on Wednesday (10/8) at a Vatican briefing.
Following are the archbishop’s pertinent remarks about contraception, as reported by NCR:
” … We get international organizations, countries, and groups which like to entice us to deviate from our cultural practices, traditions, and even our religious beliefs. And this is because of their belief that their views should be our views. Their opinions and their concept of life should be ours… “
“… We are wooed by economic things. We are told, “If you limit your population, we’re going to give you so much.” And we tell them, “Who tells you that our population is overgrown?” In the first place, children die — infant mortality — we die in inter-tribal wars, and diseases of all kinds. And yet, you come with money to say, “Decrease your population; we will give you economic help… “
“Now you come to tell us about reproductive rights, and you give us condoms and artificial contraceptives. Those are not the things we want. We want food, we want education, we want good roads, regular light, and so on. Good health care.”
“We have been offered the wrong things, and we are expected to accept simply because they think we are poor. And we are saying poverty is not about money. One can be poor in spirituality, poor in ideas, poor in education, and in many other ways.”
“So we are not poor in that sense. We may be poor materially but we are not poor in every sense. So we say no to what we think is wrong. And time has gone when we would just follow without question. Now, we question. We evaluate. We decide. We ask questions. This is what we do in Africa now.”
So the celibate African Archbishop appears to be claiming that poor Nigerian couples should not have affordable access and free choice as to contraception because tribal wars and disease are already ‘thinning the population”.
Was he really serious? The Archbishop may not want artificial contraception, he cannot get pregnant! How about “his flock”? Might unwanted and unaffordable children be a factor that contributes to disease and tribal wars?
Similarly, at the Synod on Thursday (10/9), Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois of Paris, one of three synod presidents appointed by the pope, said Catholic couples “often do not believe that the use of contraceptive methods is a sin … {and} it is necessary … to thwart the contraceptive mentality that in some countries has led to a strong demographic drop whose social and human consequences are not sufficiently considered today …”. Really, the Pill has caused an “under population crisis”? Where, Cardinal? Are you serious. Cardinal?
A designated “pro-natural family planning” married couple from Brazil then followed the Cardinal and told Pope Francis and the Synod of Bishops that the Church should stop giving “contradictory advice” on birth control and help Catholics obey church teaching against contraception — how, by continuing to Ban the Pill?
Of course, with Francis having already pre-planned to serve up Paul VI for “sainthood” as the “dessert” for the Synod Bishops, the Ban of the Pill is here to stay, it appears.
And, as indicated, the Vatican’s ban on same sex relationships may also be here to stay, unless Pope Francis finds some elusive prudence and judgment and intestinal fortitude by October of 2015.
For related information, please see my remarks, “Pope Francis, Let’s Not Neglect Children at the Next Synod “, at:
Please see also the fine analysis by Catholic theologian, Bill Lindsey, of the complex interrelationship of the papal contraception and homosexual strategies, at: