| Pervert Priests Who Posed Nude for Gay Websites, Sexually Harassed Parishioners and Stealing Communion Cash in Italy Are Set to Be Investigated by the Pope
Daily Mail
October 24, 2014
Investigation: Bishop Mario Oliveri (pictured) has run the Albenga-Imperia diocese for the last 25 years
Pope Francis has ordered a secret sex inquiry into an Italian bishop who has presided over a diocese of 'playboy priests', it has been reported.
An independent investigator has been called in to the Albenga-Imperia diocese in northern Italy, which has been rocked by scandal after scandal.
Priests have variously been caught naked pictures of themselves on Facebook, having affairs with parishioners and moonlighting as barmen.
Others, more seriously, have been investigated or convicted for child abuse.
Pope Francis has sent an apostolic visitor to assess the capability of Bishop Mario Oliveri, who has been in charge for 25 years.
The decision follows a primary investigation by a papal Nuncio sent in after Francis was warned about the wayward diocese, La Repubblica reported.
The bishop is accused of having welcomed aspiring priests into the seminary without discernment, including former models, reality stars, priests with tattoos, bodybuilders and trainees who had been expelled from the seminary, generated a body of 'weak' priests, the newspaper reported.
Among the worst scandals was Father Luciano Massaferro who was sentenced to 7 years 8 months for abuse of a minor.
Another, a former competitor in an X-factor style competition, allegedly scammed parishioners out of Euro 200,000 intended for poor children.
One priest in the diocese of Bastia Albenga was sacked for having an affair with a parishioner only to be replaced by one who was caught putting naked pictures on gay chat sites.
Investigation: The Vatican has sent an investigator to assess the capability of Bishop Mario Oliveri (pictured third from left with Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI ) who has been in charge of the diocese since the late 1980s
The bishop did not respond to request for comment. But he has previously said that he is 'My community is open to everyone. No priest will ever be rejected: I think it's right to leave the 99 sheep to look for the lost one.'
Pope Francis was alerted to the scandals earlier this year by a local doctor who handed him a dossier compiled by parishioners.
Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that the diocese 'may be expecting an apostolic visitor,' but would not disclose any further details.
The supervisor is expected to be Alberto Maria Careggio, former bishop of Sanremo-Ventimiglia, the 77-year-old former mountain guide to John Paul II.