| Advisory to Survivors of Clergy Abuse Dealing with the Royal Commission and Government Funded Support Systems
October 17, 2014
We have come to understand that unless you specifically state and insist that you want evidence based treatment only you will most likely be handled by someone who has their own religious superstitions who will judge firstly on the basis of their unproven beliefs. This is a lottery style system that feeds you back to your original abusers and their religious culture. This is not an adequate or suitable form of treatment - in fact this is dangerous to you if you have progressed in any way towards being independent in your treatment.
There are no checks to prevent this from happening in any Australian government operated or funded systems and it appears that this can now also be found in pockets of the Royal Commission itself.
Their beliefs and belief systems take precedence over your well-being including how you are treated for any condition that you have as a result of your original abuse. You and your needs become secondary to their superstitions. This issue is rampant in those systems which have been funded or employed to support you.
You do not have to accept the fantasy beliefs of other people.
More than $45 million has been spent on support for victims and rarely can they find evidence based support. A psychologist trained in a Christian psychology school can only establish a toxic relationship with you while claiming to be able to support and to treat you - in this scenario you have become the trade goods that are being used to keep Christian trained people in employment, it allows them to prevent your healing from abuse by the religious as that allows them the freedom to dominate and to determine your treatment on the basis of their superstitious or mythological belief systems.
We have been unable to find any evidence of a survivor in active treatment with an evidence based system who successfully committed suicide. Survivors treated with evidence based systems reach far better outcomes more quickly, the treatment lasts for the rest of your life unlike superstition based treatments which become lifelong dependant relationships. Superstition based systems are a cess pit of re-trauma, re-abuse and misguided treatments. They do not serve your needs.
This leaves 100% of successful suicides of survivors of childhood clergy sexual abuse originating from superstition based systems of healing and treatment. This also happened in Ireland where suicides sky-rocketed out of control and continue to this day.
These are the systems your government prefers to fund and to foist on to you. They are a death sentence for far too many.
Simply demanding evidence based treatment is insufficient in some circumstances. You will be deceived and they will encourage you to remain within the superstitious system. You are profit for them as well as being in their control; your journey will become endless and will quickly fill with horror and re-trauma as they are unable to treat you properly for abuse by religious people. These forms of treatment are toxic, they are a danger to you.
The experience of many has been one that has repeatedly forced them into the mental health system where any form of medication can be forced on to you. This is claimed to be for your benefit. People with a superstitious agenda do not and can not act in your best interests. Demand and insist on evidence based treatments only.
If you should find yourself in such a situation we recommend that you feign belief in the Christian God or the God of Islam or the Jewish God (Preferably the Christian God) - they will accept you as their superstitions allow for this and will begin to treat you less severely, you are still in the most unhealthy and the most toxic environment possible for a survivor of clergy abuse. To stay is to risk your life and your sanity.
We recommend that you continue with this deception until you can flee these insane and unregulated, incompetent and toxic systems. Fleeing to an interstate location can buy you time so that you can connect with other survivors who may be able to assist. Most survivors have been forced into a medical haze and or poverty; very often the most they can offer you is a bed for a few nights and enough food to stop you going hungry - they are your safest allies.
Police and government funded systems in any Australian state are not your friends when you find yourself in these circumstances.
So that you obtain real counseling and support based on evidence you must reject offers for people who "have well defined boundaries" (or similar wording). This will on most occasions put you in the hands of a believer of fantasy - effectively you are back in a system that will silence you or send you insane until you prefer to kill yourself.
By demanding evidence based treatments you are rejecting all beliefs unless they can be validated by evidence. This will help protect you from those who have a belief that the only way to save you is to return you to the same system that abused you.
Before you can begin a genuine healing journey you need to free yourself from government funded superstition based belief systems. Ensure your own safety and ensure that you have some form of protection for your life and your sanity - insist on evidence based treatments only .
Thank you.
Contact: contact@molestecatholics.com
Australia 0756412311
Prepared, written and distributed by John A Brown 17, October, 2014. Please distribute to any know survivors of clergy abuse in Australia urgently.