Maravi Post
October 6, 2014
Archbishop Msusa |
[B]BLANTYRE (MaraviPost)—[/B]Catholic Archbishop for Blantyre Archdiocese Thomas Msusa has revealed that five of his 70 plus priests are on suspension on various reasons, but most of them had shown “remorse and are ready to come back.”
The church was recently criticised by some faithful why suspended priest Tasiano Kunkeyani was given a Christian burial after he broke the celibacy law by fathering children.
But Msusa, who came to the thrown of the vast diocese early this year, briefed reporters at his Catholic Institute office that “everyone makes mistakes in life and priests are no exception.
“It’s not in our place as human beings to judge each other but fulfil God’s wishes of loving and forgiving one another.”
He said Kunkeyani, suspended in 2010, had wanted to return to priesthood and the church hosted him at St. James home for elderly and sick priests at the cathedral while he was sick and also paid for his bills at the church’s Mlambe hospital.
The Archbishop said the priest was given the Christian burial because based on pastoral directives on Christian burial. He said a Christian burial “is a right not privilege and whoever is baptised in the Catholic Church requires a Christian burial.”
He said the diocese was obliged to help Kunkeyani since he was “still our priest.”
On the suspended priests, Blantyre Catholic head said those suspended had been given time “to choose” to continue priesthood or abandon it altogether.
Kunkeynai had been teaching at a private secondary school since 2010 when he was shown the door and Msusa said that suspension depends on the “nature of the issue and through investigations.”
On a positive note, he noted that most of the priests on suspension had shown remorse and were ready to go back to the pulpit.
When they die, Catholic priests in Blantyre get buried at Limbe Cathedral cemetery which has been reserved for them. Archbishop Emeritus James Chiona is buried at a new cemetery within the cathedral, a place which seems reserved for bishops as he is the only occupant.