Inquiry hears of child rape claims
Yahoo! News
October 6, 2014
Press Association - Sir Anthony Hart is investigating what took place at 13 residential children's homes run by religious orders, voluntary organisations and the state |
A man who claims he was raped using a piece of equipment for restraining farm animals has given evidence to a child abuse inquiry in Northern Ireland.
When he reported the cattle crush assault to a priest he was beaten and locked in a cupboard overnight, the witness told the Historical Institutional Abuse (HIA) inquiry.
The victim was a resident at Rubane House, which is the subject of a government-ordered investigation into claims of historic physical and sexual attacks on boys.
It was run by the Catholic De La Salle order of brothers.
Allegations of bestiality and children going missing were also made by witnesses.
One said: "It was just hell on earth."
He said one brother put him in a farmyard cattle crush, used to hold the animals while veterinary work was carried out, and raped him.
"You could not get your head out of it. It was wood and metal and I remember there were two bars."
The witness told the inquiry: "He was one of those brothers who just had you when he wanted you."
When he confided in a priest he claimed the cleric told his abuser and he was battered with a walking stick and locked in a cupboard for a day and a night.