| Diocese of Venice in 2014: under Fire
By Mary Wozniak
September 29, 2014
Roman Catholic Diocese of Venice Bishop Frank Dewane
The halo of the Diocese of Venice appears to need polishing.
The diocese, which covers 10 counties in Southwest Florida, and its leader, Bishop Frank J. Dewane, have been hit with four incidents so far in 2014 that claim abuse of power or being less than frank about the handling of two cases of sexual abuse.
One case resulted in a six-figure settlement with a victim who was abused in 1993. A $5 million lawsuit has been filed in the second case, the alleged abuse of a boy in 2013.
Those who have openly called Dewane to task, including two liberal Catholic reform groups and 10 priests, believe the incidents tarnish the image of the diocese, hurt its flock, and want church officials to intervene. They say the abuses of power include the unjust firing of more than 20 people, intimidation, bullying, and outbursts of anger instilling fear in the faithful.
Staunch supporters of the bishop say if the image is tarnished, the reason is unfounded accusations. They decry what they say is nothing more than a campaign to smear the bishop. The critics are dissidents who " have declared war on Bishop Frank Dewane," in the words of Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Civil and Religious Rights.
The Southwest Florida Chapter of Call to Action, a liberal Catholic group, penned a letter to Pope Francis, asking for an investigation of the bishop. The national Call to Action group posted a petition online that garnered 1,433 signatures. Another group, Voice of the Faithful, also supported the letter and petition.
Meanwhile, 10 priests from the Diocese of Venice wrote a letter to the papal nuncio, Rome's representative in Washington, saying their situation had become "intolerable" and asking for help. The Jan. 17 letter talks about the believed breach of canon law, including dismissal of a council that investigates and resolves issues related to pastoral works in the diocese. The papal nuncio did not release the priests' names.
Supporters of the bishop say say no proof is provided to back their claims. Donohue is skeptical, calling the accusations "sweeping generalizations."
"What bothers me to no end is this," he said. "You get these anonymous accusers. They make these wild statements." When you ask for specifics, they give you nothing.
"If somebody makes an accusation of a serious nature, confront that person, look them in the eye," he said. "There's an odor that comes out of all this. It stinks to high heaven."
The bishop can easily clear questions up, "if he just responds openly," said David Clohessy, director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) "I don't believe I know any of Dewane's critics, but it's logical to ask why would somebody make this up?"
In his Wednesday online article, "The Unseemly War Against Bishop Dewane," Donohue describes the bishop's detractors: "Dewane is drawing the ire of Catholic malcontents, and ex-Catholics, because of his orthodoxy. His critics are largely drawn from the ranks of the elderly, and are overrepresented by ex-priests and ex-nuns."
Call to Action has been around for decades, Donohue told The News-Press.
"They are so discredited in the eyes of any thinking Catholic." If people want the church to have women priests, and "lighten up on contraception and same-sex marriage," there are some Protestant denominations they can join, he said.
Ellen Euclide, director of programs for the national chapter of Call to Action, said that the group has an estimated 20,000 members in North America, and some overseas.
She said that some people in the diocese are afraid. Those who have been fired are mostly given a financial excuse, "often after they've had a meeting in which they disagreed with the bishop or written a letter questioning something, whether it's officially documented that way or not."
Ellen McNally, head of the Southwest Florida Chapter of Call to Action, said she has a list of 26 people who have been fired, some she knows. But they have so far not come forward with their stories for fear of reprisal, she said.
"People, especially priests, who want to continue to work/serve in the diocese dare not give their names," she said. "Many who tried have suffered for it."
Ben Nguyen, diocese spokesman, has issued numerous statements on behalf of the bishop in response to critics' accusations and in answer to News-Press questions. All have been quoted in stories on this issue, and can be seen in their entirety on news-press.com. The diocese did not respond to The News-Press' questions for this story.
However, in its Sept. 19 response to Call to Action's letter to Pope Francis, Nguyen wrote: "The general accusation of injustice, particularly regarding personnel issues, is also simply untrue. In these matters, Bishop Dewane gives much deference to pastors, principals, and heads of other entities. However, in extraordinary situations, Church law requires the Bishop to take appropriate action. In these situations, Bishop Dewane has always taken seriously the concern and well-being of all involved."
Controversy of the cloth
The Diocese of Venice has had several incidents questioning leadership this year:
• Jan. 17: Ten priests send a letter to the Papal Nuncio, claiming abuses of power by Bishop Dewane.
• Aug. 19: Diocese settled for six figures in a sex abuse claim against a now-defrocked priest.
• Aug. 28: Southwest Florida Call to Action chapter pens letter to Pope Francis asking for investigation of bishop; National Call to Action posts petition on website
• Sept. 22: Diocese of Venice, Bishop Dewane named as plaintiffs in $5 million lawsuit over sex abuse case.
Contact: mwozniak@news-press.com