| Muslims Must Speak out against Isis
By Steven Spearie
State Journal-Register
September 29, 2014
Dr. Ali Nizamuddin takes a moment for a prayer Sept. 19 prior to the start of the sermon during the Friday prayer at the Islamic Society of Greater Springfield’s mosque. Photographs by Justin L. Fowler/The State Journal-Register
Springfield Catholic Bishop Thomas John Paprocki is calling on Muslims throughout the United States to more forcefully denounce the Islamic State (ISIS) threat that has prompted U.S.-led coalition airstrikes in Syria.
In an interview with The State Journal-Register last week, Paprocki said Muslim groups have “a greater responsibility” to speak out against jihadist movements, much like “every priest and bishop has to speak out about the sexual abuse crisis in the (Catholic) church.”
Maryam Mostoufi, a member of the Islamic Society of Greater Springfield, disagrees with the bishop’s characterization, saying Muslim leaders and groups in this country have been vocal in their opposition “from the beginning.”
In addition, Paprocki re-emphasized that area Catholics need to take seriously threats from jihadist terrorist groups like ISIS, which have decimated Christian communities in pockets of Iraq, or risk threats on their own soil.
Paprocki also defended his use of, in the Sept. 7 issue of Catholic Times newspaper, a 2006 quote by then-Pope Benedict XVI dealing with the Prophet Muhammed that at the time inflamed violence in parts of the Middle East.
Paprocki’s column has infuriated some area groups, including the local Muslim community, who claim the bishop has resorted to a “crusades mentality” toward them.
Paprocki has called the violence in Iraq aimed at Christians, including the destruction, burning and looting of churches, forced conversions to Islam and indiscriminate slaughter, “a genocide.”
He also believes that gains made by ISIS may fortify its ambitions to turn to the West, referencing a video made by an ISIS soldier whose intent is to “raise the flag of Allah in the White House.”
In a 2010 sermon at a midnight Mass in Springfield, Paprocki warned that radical Islamists could “peacefully and legally” move into Western Europe and even the United States “until they reach a majority and impose Islamist values and sharia law with little or no resistance.”
‘Can’t get complacent’
Paprocki acknowledges he’s been criticized by local Muslims in the past, but on the current situation in Iraq, “where is the outrage over ISIS beheading people? I’m trying to call attention to a grossly unfair situation,” he said.
“We who live in a pluralistic society can’t get complacent about this.”
Paprocki said he recognizes and understands that the militant extremists “don’t represent all Muslims” and that some Muslim leaders have spoken out against the violence.
“But the acts are being done in the name of Islam,” he added. “Muslims have a greater responsibility to speak out or denounce it.”
“Our imam has condemned it,” counters Mostoufi. “Other Muslim leaders and groups (in the U.S.) have roundly denounced it from the beginning. Just because the bishop doesn’t hear it, doesn’t mean that we’re not making our voices known.
“We’re obligated to disassociate ourselves from (groups like ISIS). It’s an extreme perversion and distortion of Islam’s beliefs and teachings. It’s so far removed from who we are as Muslims.”
Paprocki, in the Catholic Times column, recalled a dialogue quoted by Pope Benedict at Regensburg, Germany: “Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached,” the former pope told a gathering of academicians
Benedict was recalling the words of an obscure 14th-century Byzantine emperor.
While the quote met with controversy, Paprocki insists Benedict’s words resonate now more than ever.
“What Pope Benedict was saying is that those who spread Islam through violence, that’s unreasonable and incompatible with reason and the nature of God,” said Paprocki.
The 2006 address, analysts have pointed out, dealt with a theological question of the marriage of faith and reason and had nothing to do with, outside of the quote, the Muslim world. Stopping short of an outright apology over the remark, Benedict later made clarifications about it in addition to making overtures to Muslim representatives.
Scary images?
A representative from a local chapter of Call To Action — an organization that aims to educate and inspire Catholics to act for justice and build inclusive communities through a lens of anti-racism and anti-oppression principles — views Paprocki’s latest comments as anything but pastoral.
“Muslims locally,” said John Freml, “deal with preconditions, prejudices and xenophobia. Paprocki isn’t doing anything to correct that.
“It’s fanning the flames of hatred and exclusion, and I grieve over that.”
“One of Jesus’ message was love,” said Mostoufi. “How can the bishop as a messenger of the church not preach that?”
Mostoufi took part in an interfaith celebration as part of Paprocki’s installation in 2010. She also sought him out in the months following his first midnight Mass sermon in Springfield and would be “absolutely open to dialogue” about the current matter.
“(Paprocki) has provided some pretty scary images (about Muslims),” she said. “I have to ask: Is that responsible spiritual leadership in this country in this day and age?”
Contact Steven Spearie: spearie@hotmail.com or Twitter @StevenSpearie.