Judge says Gulfport teacher charged in child-sex case stays in jail
By Robin Fitzgerald
Sun Herald
September 24, 2014
Pryor |
GULFPORT -- A federal judge has refused to revoke a detention order for a longtime Gulfport teacher accused of taking male students on out-of-state trips for sex.
Chief U.S. District Judge Louis Guirola Jr. has upheld a pretrial judge's detention order for Richard Pryor, 68.
Pryor faces charges he sexually assaulted boys he took on trips while he was a math teacher at Bayou View Junior High in Gulfport from 1999 through 2005. Most of the trips reportedly occurred during summer months, when Pryor took groups of boys on excursions to other states.
A public defender had asked Guirola to revoke a detention order filed by Magistrate Judge John Gargiulo.
Pryor wanted to be released to the custody of his sister, a retired Gulfport teacher.
His attorney argued, in part, Pryor had no criminal history, had strong family and community ties and no history of drug or alcohol abuse.
"The evidence against the defendant is strong in this case, considering that the defendant confessed to sexually molesting eight boys that he had transported across state lines, and additional victims have appeared," Guiriola wrote.
"The Court notes that the defendant's long-time presence and standing in the community apparently enabled his method of committing the offenses charged. A review of the victims' statements to the FBI and the testimony at the hearing shows that the defendant is a canny manipulator who, for decades, used his position of trust to obtain access to and compliance from his victims."
Pryor's release "into the same community as his victims presents a serious risk of danger to the victims or other persons in the community," Guirola wrote.
The judge denied the request Thursday.
The indictment covers alleged crimes over a six-year period. However, the FBI believes Pryor began molesting 12- to 14-year-old boys in 1973 and continued until he was arrested. The victims are now in their early 20s to their early 50s, an agent testified Aug. 26.
Further hearings in Pryor's case were set for a court calendar that starts Oct. 6. His attorney filed a motion asking for a delay, saying he needs more time to prepare for his defense and to consider resolving the case without a trial.
The document indicates a plea agreement is possible.
Guirola agreed Monday to move the case to a court calendar that starts Dec. 1.
Pryor was teaching at St. Patrick Catholic High School in Biloxi when the FBI arrested him on a criminal complaint Aug. 19.
An FBI agent testified Pryor was questioned about two alleged victims and admitted sexually assaulting eight boys he had taught at Bayou View. The agent said the FBI has found at least three more victims.
A federal grand jury indicted Pryor Sept. 9.
Pryor faces two counts each of interstate travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct with minors and transportation of minors for sexual activity. The maximum penalties are 30 years to life in prison.
Read more here: http://www.sunherald.com/2014/09/23/5815578_gulfport-teacher-to-consider-plea.html?rh=1#storylink=cpy
Contact: rfitzgerald@sunherald.com