In Chicago, some see next archbishop as a 'breath of fresh air'
By Dahleen Glanton, Lisa Black, Annemarie Mannion
Chicago Tribune
September 21, 2014
Parishioners attend 10 a.m. Mass at St. Adalbert Church in Chicago's Pilsen neighborhood. |
Roman Catholics across the Chicago area flocked to their parishes Sunday, expressing hope that their next archbishop, Blase Cupich, will be an extension of Pope Francis by welcoming more voices on matters such as same-sex marriage and helping to heal the wounds of the clergy sex abuse crisis.
From the city to the suburbs, many parishioners said the Vatican's selection of Cupich to succeed Cardinal Francis George as the leader of the Chicago Archdiocese indicates the church might place greater emphasis on addressing social issues such as immigration reform and at least give an ear to those who disagree with some aspects of church doctrine. Many members have clashed with the more conservative George.
“He seems like someone who could be a breath of fresh air, like Pope Francis,” said Rita King, a member of St. James Catholic Church in Arlington Heights and a teacher at St. Viator Catholic High School in the village. “If he just kind of walks in, listening and learning, I think great things can happen.”
In Chicago, where there is a continuous influx of new immigrants — Latinos account for 44 percent of the archdiocese — some Catholics said Cupich's biggest challenge will be accommodating changing demographics and sending a message that the church can be relevant to every community.
Nowhere in Chicago have church demographics shifted more than in the Pilsen neighborhood, where the population changed from mostly Polish immigrants to Latino in the last half-century. Now, gentrification is bringing further change..
For more than 50 years, Treasure Salinas, 79, has been a member of St. Adalbert Catholic Church, the final stop for George on Good Friday every year. There was a time when all 1,800 seats in the church were filled for multiple services, longtime parishioners said. On Sunday morning, there were fewer than 150 people.
Salinas said she watched Saturday's televised introduction of Cupich to try to get a feel for the new leader.
“I like his style, the way he talks,” she said. “He's not selfish like some are.”
“His gentle ways remind me of Cardinal (Joseph) Bernardin,” she added, referring to George's predecessor.
Elaine Olszewski, 79, whose family has attended St. Adalbert for four generations, grew up across the street.
On Sunday mornings, the church bells would ring and the solemn melodies from the church's massive pipe organ bellowed through the streets, beckoning residents from several blocks away.
“The church was filled to capacity,” Olszewski said. “The rectory was filled with priests and the convent was filled with nuns because the school was very active. After Mass, people would stop over at our house, and my mother would serve chicken soup to everyone.”
Olszewski doesn't expect Cupich to bring back those glory days, but she does want him to open the doors wider to the community.
The only way to get people to come in, Olszewski added, is to
let them know you care about them.
“The church has to be relevant,” she said. “You have to listen to what the people need and what they want. The young people aren't attending Mass because the church hasn't kept up with all the changes regarding gay marriage, immigration and birth control.”
Cupich also won praise from Chicago Archdiocese parishioners for his handling of the church's sex abuse crisis: He had a reputation in Spokane for zero tolerance on the issue.
"He seems to have a vision and marched right into (addressing) it," said Patt Vanderplow, of Willowbrook, a parishioner at St. John of the Cross Catholic Church in Western Springs. "He's going to be strong and lend that strength to the people, the victims and the priests who are good priests."
A day after Cupich was introduced to Chicago, some ministers used Sunday's Mass to talk about “God's will,” noting the similarities between Cupich and Pope Francis, who surprised many when he was elected last year to succeed Pope Benedict XVI.
The Rev. John Boivin told parishioners at Holy Name Cathedral on the Near North Side that just like Francis, Cupich's surprise selection is an example of the mysterious workings of God's will.
“Our new archbishop? Not on anyone's list,” Boivin said. “God's ways are not our ways. God's thoughts are not our thoughts.”
The Rev. Matt Foley, pastor at St. James in Arlington Heights, said the archbishop sets the tone for the local church. He said he hopes that Cupich is “authentic” and reaches out to those Catholics who have fallen from faith.
“I would emphasize spreading the good news as opposed to telling people what to believe,” he said.
“I believe the archbishop has the ability to set the course,” Foley added. “He has the ability to inspire people and call people to be a witness. … He sets an example.”