DC- SNAP praises attorney for SOL elimination efforts
By Barbara Dorris
Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
September 19, 2014
The attorney for DC is calling on city council member to eliminate the statute of limitations for sex crimes. We applaud this effort.
Archaic statutes of limitations on child sex crimes only protect dangerous predators who more often than not will hurt more than one child. To help prevent future crimes removing the statute of limitations (SOL) is necessary.
Kids are safest when predators are jailed. The biggest obstacle to that is a restrictive, arbitrary and predator-friendly statute of limitations.
Furthermore, most child molesters are never prosecuted. So the next best approach is to use the courts to warn parents and the public about them, and get them exposed, suspended, or fired so they will have less access to kids. That's why removing the civil statutes of limitations is also important.
We hope U.S. Attorney Ron Machen is successful in his efforts to abolish SOL in DC. More children will be safe for it.
Contact: SNAPdorris@gmail.com