| Skandal! Ksiadz Pedofil Na Wolnosci. / Scandal! Pedophile Priest on the Loose.
September 16, 2014
Skazany wyrokiem za molestowanie nastolatki w Henrykowie Lubanskim, ksiadz Jan M. przebywa na wolnosci, w domu ksiezy emerytow w Legnicy. To dlatego, iz otrzymal wyrok w tzw. zawiasach 1 rok i 8 miesiecy w zawieszeniu na 3 lata. Dla porownania nastolatka byla przez ksiedza molestowana przez cale cztery lata.Co wiecej w komputerze ksiedza znaleziono programy i tresci pedofilskie. Sad uznal ksiedza rowniez winnym posiadaniu nielegalnych materialow. Wyrok nie jest prawomocny.
Ocaleni I Polish Sutvivors: jestesmy zaniepokojeni niskim wyrokiem, mimo, ze sad uznal ksiedza winnego wszystkim trzem postawionym zarzutom. Jeszcze bardziej martwi nas fakt, ze ksiadz dostal wyrok w zawieszeniu i pozostaje poza kontrola: nie mamy pewnosci, czy nie bedzie molestowal kolejnych dzieci. Wyrazamy tez wielki szacunek dla nastolatki, ktora odwazyla sie zeznawac przeciwko swojemu agresorowi brawo!
Liczymy na to, ze adwokat poszkodowanej odwola sie od wyroku i, ze ksiadz ostatecznie trafi do wiezienia. Liczymy rowniez, ze zostanie on dozywotnio pozbawiony kontaktu z dziecmi. Mamy nadzieje, ze w miedzyczasie ujawnia sie kolejne ofiary ksiedza Jana M., jesli takowe istnieja. Do tego czasu apelujemy opiekunow legnickich dzieci o ostroznosc.
Wiecej na ten temat w Polskim Radiu Wroclaw
The priest Jan M., convicted of sexual harassment of a teenage girl in Henrykow Lubanski is currently on the loose, staying in the retirement home for priests in Legnica. Why? He was given a suspended sentence one year and eight months of imprisonment conditionally suspended for three years. To draw a comparison, the junior miss had been sexually harassed for four years. What is more, there was pedophile content and related programs discovered on the priests computer. The court found him guilty of possession of illegal material. The sentence is not final and binding.
Polish Survivors: we are alarmed by the degree of penalty, although the court found the priest guilty of all three charges. What concerns us even more is the fact that the he was given a suspended sentence and remains out of control: we cannot rest assured that he will not harass other children. We also express our respect to the teenage girl who dared to testify against her aggressor bravo!
We also hope that the victims attorney will appeal against the judgment and that the priest will finally go to jail, as well as we hope that he will be deprived the right to maintain contact with children. We wish that meanwhile other victims of Jan M., if there are more of them, will come forward. By this time we ask the guardians of children from Legnica to remain cautious.
Text: Marysia Mucha maria.mucha@gmail.com
Translation: Patrycja Malinowska pati.malina@gmail.com