| Arrested Greek Orthodox Priest Has a Criminal Past
By Samantha Edwards
September 16, 2014
Bangor Police arrested Adam Metropoulos and charged him with violation of privacy and possession of child pornography.
BANGOR, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- A Bangor area Greek Orthodox priest was arrested Monday afternoon after a woman claimed he video taped her in the shower. Adam Metropoulos, 52, is charged with violation of privacy and possession of child pornography.
The investigation began Saturday when the woman reported the alleged video taping to Bangor Police detectives. Sgt. Tim Cotton said she was in the shower she she looked across the bathroom and saw what seemed to be a camera in a basket on a wall. She then exited the shower and examined the basket.
"It, in fact, was a camera and was, in fact, recording her activity in the shower," said Sgt. Cotton.
Bangor Police interviewed Metropoulos and searched his home where police said they found child pornography. They seized computer equipment, hard drives, memory cards and disks.
Metropoulos does have a criminal past. Sources said Metropoulos was convicted of sexual assault on April 25, 1983 in Saginaw, Michigan.
Metropoulos moved to Maine and taught chemistry at Millinocket's Stearns High School from 1990 to 1997. The Department of Education did not begin conducting background checks until 1999, so the prior conviction would not have shown up on Metropoulos' background check.
After teaching chemistry he joined the seminary and became the priest for St. George Greek Orthodox church, where he remained until Tuesday.
The investigation is ongoing as detectives follow-up on all evidence and tips from the community.
"When this information comes out, detectives take phone calls and they have to follow up on each one of those. They are diligently following up on every lead in this case and looking into all possible aspects of this crime now," said Sgt. Cotton.
Metropolous remains at Penobscot County jail being held on $10,000 cash bail. He is expected to appear in court Wednesday unless he makes bail prior.