Things This Blog Has Been Called This Week ...
By William D. Lindsey
September 8, 2014
The graphic: I find this photo of a broken piece of pottery online at a number of blog sites, none of which provides information about who took the photo. If any reader knows that information, I'd appreciate having it. |
Things This Blog Has Been Called This Week — A Grim Place of Wild Claims and Ranting, Uninformed, Disrespectful, Etc.
Things this blog has been called in public in this week after I posted a posting about Jerry Slevin's recent censorship by National Catholic Reporter:
1. Billgrimspage oblivion. Get it? Bill + grims + page = oblivion.
2. A blog for those who want to make wild claims and to rant.
Things this blog and I have been called in emails to me this week:
1. Uninformed and disrespectful.
2. Slanderous and libelous.
None of this takes into account John Shuster's report in a comment here two days ago that two priests he monitors on Facebook, who keep their clerical status hidden, have mocked and disparaged this blog and me on Facebook after I published my report on Jerry Slevin's censorship by NCR. I have deliberately not sought out information about that mockery since who needs to add misery to misery? The thread John has followed (and I very much appreciate his report about it) is no doubt one among others to be found at various sites online right now.
I'm a bit weary of it all right now, folks. And so I'm going to take a few days to try to think through what has been going on and to deal with the attacks coming to me in email, which began immediately after I posted my piece about Jerry's censorship and which are clearly related to it — and which also clearly intend to see me silenced if at all possible.
If those attacks continue and escalate, I'll say more about them here when time is ripe. For now, I'm going to take some time to reflect. If I don't respond to your comments here during that time, please know that I do very much appreciate them — though be forewarned that you're making them at a grim place worthy of derision and known for wild claims and rants, which has been set up by an uninformed and disrespectful so-and-so who may have a doctorate in Catholic theology from a highly regarded Catholic school but learned nothing at all at said school, etc., etc.
Thank you all for having made this a lively place of discussion of theological issues, Catholic issues, social justice issues, cultural issues, etc. for a long time now. I am sorry that this lively place and those who take part in discussions here are regarded as objects of derision by people who claim to represent the Catholic tradition in purer and more wonderful ways. That is, I'm sorry the rest of you have to be tarred with the brush used to tar me. You do not deserve such treatment.
And I apologize that you're subjected to it because of your connection to this blog, and hope you'll understand my need to spend a few days seeking some peace right now.