Senior investigator to lead inquiry into historic sex abuse of children at Shefford boys home
Bedfordshire on Sunday
September 8, 2014
St Francis' Boys Home, Shefford |
A POLICE investigation into historic allegations of physical, sexual and emotional organisational abuse in the 1940s, 50s and 60s at St Francis Boys Home in Shefford is to be overseen by a senior investigator.
Mark Ross and a team of detective’s will ensure all previous allegations are investigated within current police guidance and review all of the information provided by the victims and witnesses.
In the course of this review, the investigation team will be contacting all victims and witnesses of previous and present investigations, and will ensure the current investigation is comprehensive, transparent and the victims are fully supported with assistance from partner agencies.
Mark Ross said: “The investigation has evolved due to the large number of victims and witnesses. We are now in a very different era and social attitudes and the criminal justice has changed significantly in the last 50 years. I aim to provide all of the victims involved with an outcome.
“Investigating abuse of any kind will always involve issues of a sensitive nature, victims will be kept fully informed of any progress in relation to their case and given the support required. Many of the suspects have since died but police forces still have the responsibility to investigate these crimes and consider organisational responsibility at the time of the abuse.”
“Much like Operation Yewtree, complainants have now felt able to contact the police where they had not done so before. Unfortunately, as with Yewtree, the historical nature of the events means that there may be limited prosecutions.”
Two surviving suspects have been identified and are subject of further investigation.
Bedfordshire Police say they are committed to safeguarding the most vulnerable and that it is vital children and adults feel able to come forward and report any incident that they are concerned about and know that they will be taken seriously, listened to and investigated by a specialist team, trained in complex enquiries. Bedfordshire Police investigates child abuse as a priority, working closely with agencies in doing so.
If anyone has been a victim of child abuse and not already contacted the police or anyone who thinks they may have information to assist with this investigation or would like to speak to the police, contact the officers at Op Haryana on 01582 473395 in absolute confidence, or contact Crimestoppers, the independent charity on 0800 555111.