| Cleveland Priest Pleads Guilty in Soliciting Sex Case
September 5, 2014
McGonegal told police he is HIV positive as he was being arrested.
westside Cleveland priest entered a plea of guilty to soliciting sex from a Cleveland Metroparks ranger.
Fr. James McGonegal, 68, was charged with soliciting sex, a felony charge, and two misdemeanor charges -- abusing harmful intoxicants and public indecency.
According to the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office, the judge accepted his plea but did not enter a finding of guilty.
Prosecutors say McGonegal will be admitted to an early intervention program. Upon successful completion, the charge will be dropped and the case expunged.
McGonegal, a priest at St. Ignatius of Antioch Church on Lorain Avenue, offered $50 to a park ranger to touch him and exposed himself at Edgewater Park earlier in October.
McGonegal told police he is HIV positive as he was being arrested.