Public defender: 8 reasons accused child molester Richard Pryor should get bond
By Robin Fitzgerald
Sun Herald
September 05, 2014
Pryor |
GULFPORT -- A public defender has filed a motion that lists eight reasons why a teacher accused in the molestation of children should be released to his sister's custody pending court action.
Richard Pryor, suspected of molesting at least 11 boys he taught at Bayou View Junior High, has no criminal history and has been accused of no crimes in the past nine years, the document said.
A criminal complaint filed in federal court alleges he molested boys, mostly on out-of-state summer trips, over 32 years.
A probation officer has testified she does not consider Pryor a flight risk and said a pretrial risk assessment shows he is a minimal risk of flight and danger to others.
Personnel records of the Gulfport School District and the Catholic Diocese of Biloxi contain no negative comments about him.
He is 68, in poor health and has no history of substance abuse.
And, the document said, he has strong family and community ties and doesn't have the money to flee.
Now that he's resigned his job teaching geometry and algebra at St. Patrick Catholic High School, his only income is Social Security and his state retirement from teaching in public schools.
The motion, filed Tuesday, asks Magistrate Judge John Gargiulo to reconsider the offer of Pryor's sister. She has testified she is willing to let Pryor live in her home pending prosecution. She is a retired Gulfport school teacher and her husband also is retired.
The public defender maintains there are conditions of release that could reasonably assure Pryor's appearance at court proceedings.
FBI: 11 victims identified
Gargiulo denied Pryor bond Aug. 26 after an FBI agent testified Pryor has admitted molesting eight students -- seven of them on out-of-state trips and one in Gulfport -- and three more victims have come forward.
Pryor is held on suspicion of transporting minors across state lines with the intent to engage in criminal sexual activity. The charge is punishable by 10 years to life in prison.
The FBI claims he has admitted he molested boys ages 12 to 14 while he taught at Bayou View in Gulfport from 1973 through 2005,
An FBI agent has said Pryor was teaching at St.
Patrick when agents went to the school Aug. 19 to question him about allegations he had molested two students years ago. The agent said the victims' current ages range from 24 or 25 to 51.
The agent testified Pryor admitted molesting them and six others.
Child porn charge likely
Recent testimony indicates prosecutors may also seek a pornography charge.
After his arrest, Pryor reportedly told FBI agents they would find a computer under his chest of drawers, and said it was hidden because there were things on the computer that shouldn't be on there.
Agents believe his computer contains child pornography. The computer is being analyzed by an FBI team in Jackson.
Pryor had been a teacher about 44 years. He retired from teaching in public schools in 2005 and began teaching for the Catholic Diocese. He receives his state retirement and Social Security, is single and has no children.
The investigation is continuing and a grand jury review is pending.
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