Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse extended
September 2, 2014
More to be done ... a public hearing at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Sydney. |
Geelong's Vlad Selakovic at a Care Leavers Australia Network protest outside the Royal Commission in Sydney. |
[with video]
THE Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has been extended for another two years by the Abbott government.
The Attorney General George and Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews have also announced an extra $125 million for the Commission.
It’s final report is now expected by December 15, 2017.
In a statement Senator Brandis said he had met with Chair Justice Peter McClellan AM twice since the start of the year to discuss the program’s future.
He is said to have assured them that the extension will be “sufficient” for the Commission to finish its work.
The government said the extension will give the Commission to hear more stories from victims and conduct more public hearings