Cyprys Didn’t Even Stop His Sexual Assaults in Jail
Frum Follies
August 24, 2014
David Cyprys |
According to the Herald Sun of Australia, David Samuel Cyprys was accused of assaulting a teenager in jail while serving his prison sentence for assaulting nine Jewish children. Incredibly, after he was convicted of child sexual abuse in 1991, he was allowed to continue working at the Chabad-dominated Yeshiva College of Melbourne where he preyed on children for another two decades.
I am willing to bet many parents complained and were given any of these standard lines to assure them this would not happen again:
This is the first we have ever heard of such a thing and we will investigate;
We will get him into therapy;
We will keep an eye on him;
He has a family, so this is the best way to deal with it;
You can’t go to the police; it is forbidden under Jewish law;
You will destroy your standing in the community and the marriage prospects of you kids if you make a public fuss, instead of letting us handle it privately.
This is the tried and proven containment strategy of many rabbis and community leaders. It works at containing justice but is useless at containing danger.