FACT CHECKER: SNAP Lies About Status of Priest To Create Media Hysteria
By David Pierre
August 19, 2014
Fibber: David Clohessy, National Director of SNAP |
As if any further proof were needed of how the anti-Catholic group SNAP manipulates the media and lies to the public about the Church's handling of sex abuse cases, consider this recent ominous media statement from David Clohessy, the group's National Director:
"A new child sex abuse lawsuit has been filed against Fr. William Authenrieth who is apparently still alive and living in Massachusetts.
"We urge [a Florida bishop] to urge his colleagues in Massachusetts to warn the public and their parishioners about Fr. Authenrieth …"
But wait …
There is no "Fr. William Authenrieth." Authenrieth was indeed once a priest, but as a few seconds of research clearly show, the Church laicized him some three decades ago, in 1985.
In other words, Authenrieth is a private citizen, no different than you, me, or the esteemed Clohessy himself. And unfortunately for Clohessy, our Constitution allows him to move about as he pleases.
But Clohessy apparently believes that the Catholic Church should track the exact whereabouts of all its former employees accused of abuse and then hold regular press conferences to announce the results of its monitoring, even though there is not a single organization on the planet that does this – and to say nothing of the civil and criminal liability attendant to an organization stalking its former employees.
And as we've reported before, the ever-hysterical Clohessy has never once publicly reported the current whereabouts of his own brother Kevin, a former Catholic priest, who sexually molested innocent young boys for several years until the early 1990s. Indeed, the whereabouts of Kevin today are a complete mystery.
Perhaps Clohessy himself should go looking for his brother and warn the public before he goes lecturing others about their duties with respect to employees from three decades ago.