reinstates priest involved with Sandinista politics
Gazzetta del Sud August 4, 2014 http://www.gazzettadelsud.it/news/english/102993/Pope-reinstates-priest-involved-with-Sandinista-politics.html
Vatican City, August 4 - Pope Francis has reinstated a
South American priest who had been penalized in the 1980s for
his political activities, including involvement with the
Sandinista movement in Nicaragua. Father Miguel d'Escoto
Brockman, 81, had been suspended in by then-pope John Paul II.
Among other activities, d'Escoto had publicly expressed his
support for the Sandinista National Liberation Front and, after
the Sandinistas took office in 1979, d'Escoto became
minister for foreign affairs until 1990 under Nicaraguan
president Daniel Ortega. After the defeat of the Sandinistas in
the 1990 elections, d'Escoto continued to be active
politically and in June 2008 was elected president of the United
Nations General Assembly. According to his UN biography,
d'Escoto was born in Los Angeles in 1933 and spent his
childhood years in Nicaragua, before returning to the United
States in 1947 to study. He entered the Catholic seminary at
Maryknoll in New York state in 1953, and in 1961 was ordained a
priest. http://popefrancisnewsapp.com/