Ban on male child carers considered after 'horrific' abuse case
New Zealand Herald
July 24, 2014
South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill says a Royal Commission will be held into child abuse. |
The South Australian government is prepared to consider radical laws, including banning men from working as child carers, after a carer was accused of horrific child sex abuse.
A 32-year-old Adelaide man employed by Families SA has been charged with seven counts of unlawful sexual intercourse with young children under his watch at a residential care facility.
Premier Jay Weatherill has flagged a royal commission into the sexual abuse of children, and foreshadowed "radical changes" to child protection protocols.
He told ABC Radio on Wednesday that some radical proposals were on the table, including a suggestion for female-only carers.
However, he says he would not like to see men banned from looking after children, although it was "not unknown that we don't have abuse at the hands of females as well".
"I have not got a concluded view, it seems very sad," he said.
"Some of the carers they have had are fine young men. I would not like to think they could not be in that role."
He agreed that 10 years ago, such a ban would never have been considered.
"I think that things that perhaps were untenable are now being given thought to," he said.
The accused man, whose name has been suppressed, was also charged with the production, possession and dissemination of child exploitation material after police found more than 100,000 still images and 600 video files.